Possible bugs?

I’m a faithful user since the first instance.
I noticed through the updating versions the following shortcomings:

  1. Selecting some text on any website and activating "Take plain note" or "Take rich note" gives the very same result, i.e. a RTF format file.

  2. Further to updating (at least, I didn’t check before) to version 1.5.2, I cannot reformat a RTF file anymore, i.e. I cannot change the fonts, nor their size, or better, I can, but I cannot save the changes.

  3. Furthermore, if I tried to select some  words and change from regular to italic, the change affects the whole document.

Any clue?

The first point might be a bug (if a browser delivers RTF data to Take Plain Note too, DT uses this - and some browsers might do this). The other points… seems to be a plain content, not a rich content. Could you please verify this? E.g. in the info panel.

Checked further to clues to find the following:

  1. With Safari taking palin or rich notes gives the same result, i.e. rich text
  2. Using Omniweb everything work properly
  3. I didn’t realize that if either working on an imported word file (depending on Antiword) or a web originated note, I’ve to select it all and turn into Rich text prior to attempt any change. Done this, everything is OK.
    I fear I lost a good chance to remain in silence and apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.

Yes, Carbon applications often provide all data types at the same time, even those not requested. But this will be fixed in DT 1.5.3.

No problem as this forum is the place to ask questions.