Printing/Exporting a DTP filenames/data-tree

Hello all,

I’ve had a look through Take Control of Getting Started with DTP 2", and also did some searches here - but couldn’t really find what I’m looking for… Hoping someone might have some suggestions…

I’m finishing off my tagging - arguments for/against aside - it’s been useful to me, and has served as a crucial refresher of all the research articles I have in my database…

With this being said - I’m very much a visual person.

I bought Scapple (from the people who make Scrivener) - and it’s become a fantastic tool in allowing me to visualise arguments and flow, in my dissertation…

What I was thinking of doing, was making a “tag cloud” of sorts - i.e. getting my ‘tags’ into Scapple, and then “sorting” my various articles under those various tag-groups… Again - this will most likely sound like a crazy waste of time to most people, but I kind of need to do it - it gets me going…


Is there any way to ‘export’ a simple “list” of my filenames - but including the “tag” info? I.e. a list of all files in my ‘USA-Data’ group, which are named as “USA_[author][Article name][Year]” + "[tag description]; [tag description]; [tag description]?

If I could get them into Excel/Word - that would obviously be super useful… Since then I could replicate them, and copy&paste directly into Scapple…

BTW - selecting the files in 3-pane view, hitting cmd-c, and then cmd-v in Excel, almost does the trick - it at least copies the filenames across - but I’m hoping I could do the same with the tags??

A distant 3rd option, if the above is not possible, would be to print same…

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated…

Holy moses!

Found this: Export a listing of any group and its children

Exactly what I need - actually, more than what I was hoping for! Many thanks peeps!

I know less than the square root of nothing about scripting - but came across this (oldish) post by Marcellus: tag names listed when exporting multiple documents

Could someone be so kind as to confirm if this is what I had in mind? Would it still work in the most recent iteration of DTP2?

Many thanks!