Problem adding Mail message after installing DTPO on new Mac

I just got a new MacBook Pro and installed DTPO. As instructed in another chain of posts, I moved my databases and other files to my new Mac. I also installed the Add-Ons, including the Mail add-on. As warned during the process, I went to Mail>Preferences>General>Manage Plugins and checked the box next to DevonThink:mailbundle. Now, after restarting both Mail and DTPO, I still can’t add mail messages to DTPO, whether using the keyboard shortcut or the menu selection. The DTPO dock icon just bounces and I get a beep.

What’s the fix here? I rely heavily on the keyboard shortcut to add messages to my DTPO database.

Help would be greatly appreciated.


Enable Full Disk Access in System Preferences > Security & Privacy for DEVONthink Pro Office.

Thank you Bluefrog! I appreciate your help on this and other issues.

Glad to be of service :slight_smile: