Quick conversion: HTML --> RTF --> PDF

I just found that DT makes a quick and easy text converter. I have a text on the Web that students wanted to read as a PDF file. The Web text was in an ugly and over-sized font. I tried a conversion with TextLighting, but it preserved the original column widths and didn’t look much better.

DT to the rescue: in Safari, Cmd-A, Cmd-C to select and copy all text; in DT, Cmd-N to create a new Rich Text, which I changed to my favorite font (Times 12) and then Cmd-P to Print (but instead of printing, Save as PDF).

The result is a nice, tight, compact PDF file, 70% smaller than the PDF resulting from a straight Save as PDF of the Safari file.

Nice idea. I didn’t think about using “the save in DT” from the pdf services menu while using DT. :slight_smile:

You can also use the Make Rich Note service [command-) keyboard shortcut] after selecting text to add it as RTF content to DEVONthink.