@robindx, @hermeneut, and others:
Bad news and good news. The good news is that the Omnioutliner annotation template script (http://viewtopic.php?f=20&t=12038&start=20#p96362) worked straight up after I upgraded to El Kap. No need to disable SIP or do anything else at all. I also haven’t seen the slow response time in inserting text into OmniOutliner that korm has found.
The bad news is that I can offer little help to people who have problems without being able to debug them myself. There is no elegance to the script and it was hacked together until it worked for me. I suspect I got lucky with the random magic of a thousand monkeys typing. With that in mind I have a few things you might try.
Have the active window in Omnioutliner and the active window in DT on the same screen and desktop. What DT and OO regards as their frontmost window can get very confused if you try to run the script with DT and OO windows in different desktops and can throw up very similar sorts of errors to those reported.
Make sure the pdf document you are annotating from is a pdf from a good source. I have seen instances where DT doesn’t actually report pdfs as pdfs in applescript even though they show as such in the columns. I suspect these come from poor pdf generators.
You might try the script from this thread - [url]Cite&Write with OmniOutliner] - Its not exactly the same, but does many of the same things. Because it doesn’t use a template, you can put in the User scripts library as I outline in a post above this. This is a more reliable location for cross application scripts to be run from in my experience.
You can try and debug it yourself. Head over to http://www.latenightsw.com and download the trial of Script Debugger. Everyone should experiment with inflicting pain on themselves at some point!
Try the original, and still the best, [url]QuoteHighlight&Annotate script]. Gts’ script has stood the test of time.