Random Quitting o drag and drop

I am experiencing a problem in which DEVONthink Pro Office randomly quits when I drag and drop a document from my desktop onto a Group. I am running DEVONthink Pro Office on a Macbook Air OS Sierra 10.12.4. Anyone else seeing this?

Is this an unusual document type or size?

If the issue persists after quitting all apps and rebooting, then I suggest you open a ticket directly with Support (here or here or support_at_devontechnologies_dot_com), where you can get faster personalized attention than the forum. Please save relevant console messages, and DEVONthink crash logs, and forward them to Support.

Thanks korm, I will check size of documents when it next happens, (last time it was a pdf 252.8kb) and then do as you suggest. Regards.

Could you please choose Help > Report Bug while pressing the Alt modifier key and send the email to cgrunenberg - at - devon-technologies.com? Thanks!

Okay but do you want mw to wit until it happens again and then send with items as korm suggests or just send a report now?

You could already send the email, the crash logs should be still available.

Okay, I will do so.

Just sent report as suggested.