In my own example, I am working on, I want to file receipts for tax purposes. I scanned a large number of them with Readdles Scanner Pro on the iPhone. This app even allows for a workflow to rename a file to something like “receipt-YYYY-MM-DD” and upload it to a Dropbox folder, where I collect them (a folder indexed by DT). Unless I scan the receipts immediately, the date of scanning will not the correct one, hence the desire for a smart rule in DT to help.
In my collection for this year, I only found four variations, which may be an advantage of receipts that there will most likely be only one date in the file. The variations I am trying to cover are:
Variation 1: DD.MM.202Y (date and month with or wihout leading ‘0’)
- Variation 1.1: D.MM.202Y
- Variation 1.2: D.M.202Y
- Variation 1.3: D.M.2Y
Variation 2: DD.M.202Y (without leading 0 for date and month)
- Variation 2.1: DD.M.2Y
Variation 3: 202Y-MM-DD (date and month with or without leading ‘0’)
Variation 4: DD/MM/202Y (date and month with or wihout leading ‘0’)
- Variation 4.1: D.M.202Y
The sub-cases did not actually occur but I can imagine it may happen.
I assume that restricting the year to 202Y should also make the search quite specific. (I should not be later with my tax than two years back
Wish me luck and in case someone has an idea for my case, let me know!