Remember view type per group

The choice of view (“as Icons”/“as List”/“as Columns”/“Cover Flow”) should be remembered for each group.

For example, some groups can be text files, for which a list view might be appropriate, whilst others can be images, for which icons might be appropriate, and it would be good to avoid the extra step to change the view type every time one changes a group.

(By the way: “Cover Flow”? Really? Does anyone ever use it, for anything? I thought it would have been one of the first old skool things to be axed in version 3.)

The view should already be rememberd as long as the preference to retain the view isn’t enable.

Oh I missed that. My mistake. Thanks!

(By the way: “Cover Flow”? Really? Does anyone ever use it, for anything? I thought it would have been one of the first old skool things to be axed in version 3.)

Actually, yes they do. I know it for a fact since we had a crash in DEVONthink 3 related to people using it :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

They’d forgotten it and were testing it out again for the “iPod ad” nostalgia.

And it crashed.

Umm… I actively use it in certain scenarios here. :confused:

The choice of which column types to show as column headers (View > Columns > [select]) should also be set and remembered ‘per group’.

It’s only for some groups that you need a particular sorting type (e.g., ‘Date Added’) to show; for other groups, you may not need to show that type at all.

But to accommodate all groups’ views, you need to show so many of them, that there’s not enough width in the list to show so many. Setting which column types are displayed ‘per group’ would maximise viewing efficiency in this regard.