Rename inbox files automatically

I have an AppleScript that will rename files based upon my custom naming convention. I would like to be able to automate this by having DEVONthink automatically run the script whenever a file is put in the Global Inbox or directly in the Inbox of specific databases.

Is it possible to do this?

I realise that I could set up an intermediate folder with a folder action and then a Hazel rule to move the file into DEVONthink but that does not cover the situations when I clip a URL to a DEVONthink Inbox.

Any suggestions?

Currently, no - there is no way to do this automatically. The closest thing would be putting a folder in the Global Inbox and attaching a Triggered script. Again, this is NOT automatic, as a triggered script requires interaction with the record the script is attached too. However, such a script could not only rename the file but also is an opportunity for extending the functionality to filing things, etc. too.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Are there any plans to incorporate such a feature in future releases.



No problem. It’s something we’re considering.