Restore from NAS

I am using DT with latest version. I have several backups / syncs (iCloud, External HDD, QNAP (via WebDAV) (and Backup to another QNAP outside of my house weekly), TimeMachine). I have quite huge amount of data and some rules. Now my MacBook crashed and I am using the TimeMachine to restore my MacBook. First run failed. Luckily I have several external HDD for TimeMachine I try with another HDD to restore now. I hope it will work then everything. Still takes about 10hours :
My question is, if I have to install my Mac from scrap how I can restore my data on easiest way? Import via DT (how?) or moving Files from QNAP to where exactly? Or it will automatically download from iCloud?
Thanks a lot for your hints/Tipps/recommendations?

Welcome @Avolmar

No things will not automatically download from iCloud. Also, sync is ​not ​a backup, neither advertised nor advocated as such. We strongly advocate proper primary backups using TimeMachine (or similar snapshot-style backup applications) and external drives.

Regarding what to restore:

  • Search for .dtBase2 or .dtSparse files in the backups. These are DEVONthink databases. Ideally put them in the Databases folder after restoration.

  • Restore the ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3 directory.

  • You can also restore the ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.devon-technologies.think3 directory if you have custom scripts you created for DEVONthink.