Root level and Inbox of database


As I see the inbox and the database’s root level are not the same. As there ist no clickable “root level” in my database view, how could I make root level and inbox the same?

Why are they not the same, by the way?



No, the Inbox group of a database is not the top (root) level of the database. The Inbox (as well as other groups, the Tags group, the Mobile Sync group and any database smart groups) is, however located at the top level of a database.

You may click to the top level by clicking on the “house” button near the left of the Toolbar.

The top level of a database is an important concept. It becomes especially important when one wishes to select content to be exported from a database. It includes the possibility of selection of the Inbox group, but should not be limited to it. The top level also allows selection of other groups that contain content to be exported.

A database Inbox should be regarded as a temporary holding group for documents that have not yet been filed.

As I’ve set Preferences > Import - Destination to the Select group option, I rarely use a database Inbox. And as I rarely use the Sorter, which can hold the Inboxes of databases, I rarely put any content into a database Inbox. Most of the time, I know where I want to file new content that’s being added one item at a time.

I do use a database Inbox in cases where I’m dumping in multiple documents, and can take advantage of the Classify assistant. Or in cases where I’m not certain of an appropriate filing location of a new single document.

Truly, there’s no functional difference from the Finder. If you open a folder in the Finder, that’s the root. Subfolders comprise the “levels” within it.

RSS Test 01.jpg is at the root level, just as it would be in a DEVONthink database.

Thanks for your replies.
I am just wordering why my own database has an Inbox icon, the global one has had one, too, but it dissappeared. I liked the idea of clicking some specific item to get to view the top level. Just think about an Email app.

Click this button to go to the root of the database…

I know this is an old thread but I am forgetting to classify documents over and over again as I filed by mistake in the root level instead of the Inbox folder.

Is there a way to either make the documents at the root level appear under the inbox folder or create a smart group the shows both the index and the root folder?

No to both of these.
If you switch to View > As Split, you will clearly see files in the root.