rtf and rtfd with images

When I try to import a document with and imbedded image created in Nisus Writer Express into DevenThink Pro in either rtf or rtfd the image disappears. In fact with rtfd the text also disappears. Any way to solve this problem?

 Revising this post. At first I thought the image was not there. What I didn't realize is that there is almost a page worth of space above the image before it shows up. If I scroll down far enough I find it along with the text. Any way to eliminate that space? It is not there in the original document.

Although files with the suffix “.rtf” are rich text files, they are not treated in the same way by various applications, and may have different style/formatting codes.

Although both TextEdit and Nisus Writer Express save files with the same suffix, “.rtf” or “.rtfd”, those files contain different formatting codes. For example, Nisus Writer Express can include footnotes, a feature not provided in TextEdit.

You can edit a rich text file created under Nisus Writer Express in DEVONthink, which uses a text editor based on TextEdit. But in doing so you have probably lost Nisus Writer Express codes for special features of that file.

We recommend that you only edit documents created by Nisus Writer Express by opening and editing them under Nisus Writer Express.

What do you see if you select such a document and press the Space bar to produce a Quick Look view of it?

Your comment about formating codes gave me an idea. I checked the line spacing and apparently Nisus Writer Express passes over the image with a double space setting that isn’t there in the original document. When I selected the image in Devonthink it indicated that it was double spaced. Setting the spacing to single solved the problem.


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Sorry: I am having the same problem with Nisus Writer Pro, but don’t understand your solution. Thank you

You’re aware that this thread is 11 years old?

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I was not. I am having the same problem now.

Nisus Writer uses proprietary extensions to add images to RTF documents, this is not compatible to macOS’ text engine.

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very useful to know. thank you.

I am working on a project to index Bear notes in DT. Looks great. Just one last step to solve.

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