Safari Reader support in extension

Now that Lion is out, could you add support for Safari Reader views of pages in the Clip to DEVONthink extension? … eader.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009977-CH22-SW2

this would be amaaaaaaazing. also I’d like to see it works its way into DEVONagent :slight_smile:

Add this user to the many who would use and appreciate integration with Reader in Safari. Much cleaner clips and fewer steps. I rely on Reader for all web pages except for the RSS feeds where it is not available. Thanks for considering this.

Hi, guys.

Highlight the article in Safari Reader (all of the text). The click on the highlighted text and drag to the Sorter. A rich text file should be added to your inbox with the proper URL associated with it.

Tom S.

You can also use the keyboard to replicate these steps (missing out the sorter, which isn’t necessary in this scenario unless you wish to add tags).

cmd-shift-R (Turns Reader on in Safari)
cmd-A (Highlights all the text)
cmd-shift-0 (Imports the text into DTP as a rich text

Where the file is imported depends on your setting for ‘Destination’ in the Import tab of Preferences. If it’s set to ‘Select Group’, you can choose the location, otherwise it’s directly into either the Global Inbox or the current database inbox, depending on which option you chose. I use the Global Inbox.


Sad to say that only the first shortcut works on my system with Reader. They do, of course, work perfectly on the page, itself without Reader. Using the latest and greatest releases of everything. So I’ve had to drag it manually.

Tom S.

Hi, Tom. Before the second step, click in the pane displayed by Reader. Then, the second and third steps will work to send the rich text to a database.

In the case of an article that spans more than one page, allow Reader to finish downloading the additional information.


On my system (also the latest versions of everything) there’s no need to use the mouse to click in the pane - the three shortcuts work fine on their own.

Tom, not sure why it’s not working for you, then. Sorry.

Yeah, sorry to say that clicking makes no difference here. I can even highlight part of the article, hit Cmd-A and it still doesn’t work.

There was a time when this worked, I think. Couldn’t tell you when it disappeared. Perhaps it will appear again some day. It doesn’t worry me particularly.

Tom S.

Interesting! I’ll definitely take a look at integrating Reader support into the extension. Thanks!

Just a “Me, Too!” Safari’s Reader is such a powerful tool in and of itself. Integrating the Clip to Devonthink Service in Safari by keystroke rather than having to use the mouse / trackpad to click on the icon would be wonderful. Thank you for working on this.

DEVONthink Pro Office seems unable to consistently activate a global keyboard shortcut* for the “Save PDF to DEVONthink Pro” short cut found in Safari’s (and other apps) File > Print > PDF drop down list.

Sometimes it works (1 of 3-5), but most of the time it does not.

Anybody else running into this?

  • activated by:
    System Preference > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts > + > All Applications > Save PDF to DEVONthink Pro > control + option + command + P.

That’s a limitation of Mac OS X, you have to pop-up the menu at least once to activate the shortcut.

Thanks for the heads up.