Script - Convert Apple Pages document to PDF


could anyone help with a script to convert Pages-Documents to PDF as the following script does with doc/docx files… Thanks a lot!

property extensionList : {"doc", "docx"}

tell application id "DNtp"
	set theInput to {}
	set theSelection to the selection
	repeat with theRecord in theSelection
		set theFile to (path of theRecord) as POSIX file
		set theDoc to theFile as alias
		tell application "Finder"
			set theFilePath to container of theDoc as text
			set ext to name extension of theDoc
			if ext is in extensionList then
				set theName to name of theDoc
				set theFilename to characters 1 through ((length of theName) - (length of ext) - 1) of theName as string
				set theFilename to theFilename & ".pdf"
				tell application "Microsoft Word"
					set theOldDefaultPath to get default file path file path type documents path
					set default file path file path type documents path path theFilePath
					open theDoc
					set theActiveDoc to the active document
					set theFilePath to (path to trash) as string
					set default file path file path type documents path path theFilePath
					save as theActiveDoc file format format PDF file name theFilename
					close theActiveDoc
					set default file path file path type documents path path theOldDefaultPath
				end tell
				set theConvertedPath to (theFilePath & theFilename as string)
			end if
		end tell
		set theConvertedRecord to import POSIX path of theConvertedPath to (parent 1 of theRecord)
		#if exists theConvertedRecord then tell application "Finder" to delete theConvertedPath
	end repeat
end tell
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Here’s a modified script for Pages:

-- Convert Pages documents to PDF

property extensionList : {"pages"}

tell application id "DNtp"
	set theSelection to the selection
	set theFolder to path to trash as string
	repeat with theRecord in theSelection
		set thePath to (path of theRecord) as POSIX file
		set theFile to thePath as alias
		tell application "Finder"
			set ext to name extension of theFile
			if ext is in extensionList then
				set theName to name of theFile
				set theFilename to characters 1 through ((length of theName) - (length of ext) - 1) of theName as string
				set theFilename to theFilename & ".pdf"
				set theConvertedPath to (theFolder & theFilename as string)
				tell application "Pages"
					set theDoc to open theFile
					export theDoc as PDF to file theConvertedPath
					close theDoc
				end tell
				tell application id "DNtp" to import POSIX path of theConvertedPath to (parent 1 of theRecord)
			end if
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell



Hi - This looks perfect - I have created a new script in DT, but when I select a Word Doc, and then select the script from the Scripts menu, nothing happens.

If I run the script in Script Editor (i.e. outside of DTp), it opens Word, but then returns an error around “Save As…”

What am I doing wrong?


That works for me! But you first have to start the script and MS Word once. After that it works!

  property extensionList : {"doc", "docx"}

   tell application id "DNtp"
   set theInput to {}
   set theSelection to the selection
   repeat with theRecord in theSelection
   	set theFile to (path of theRecord) as POSIX file
   	set theDoc to theFile as alias
   	tell application "Finder"
   		set theFilePath to container of theDoc as text
   		set ext to name extension of theDoc
   		if ext is in extensionList then
   			set theName to name of theDoc
   			set theFilename to characters 1 through ((length of theName) - (length of ext) - 1) of theName as string
   			set theFilename to theFilename & ".pdf"
   			tell application "Microsoft Word"
   				set theOldDefaultPath to get default file path file path type documents path
   				set default file path file path type documents path path theFilePath
   				open theDoc
   				set theActiveDoc to the active document
   				set theFilePath to (path to trash) as string
   				set default file path file path type documents path path theFilePath
   				-- save as theActiveDoc file format format document default file name theFilename
   				save as theActiveDoc file format format PDF file name theFilename
   				close theActiveDoc
   				set default file path file path type documents path path theOldDefaultPath
   			end tell
   			set theConvertedPath to (theFilePath & theFilename as string)
   		end if
   	end tell
   	set theConvertedRecord to import POSIX path of theConvertedPath to (parent 1 of theRecord)
   	#if exists theConvertedRecord then tell application "Finder" to delete theConvertedPath
   end repeat
   end tell

I allways used this script und was happy with it.
But now after changing to Catalina the script no longer works.
The pdf is in the trash but not in the group the pages document ist located.
Is somebody able to modify the script for Catalina?

The script should be still compatible. Do you execute it via DEVONthink’s Scripts menu? Then please check that DEVONthink 3 is able to automate Pages (see System Preferences > Security > Automation > DEVONthink

Automation for DEVONTHINK for pages is active.

The probleme is shown in the attachment. Protokoll

This line is pointing to the system Trash…

set theFolder to path to trash as string

Here is my take on this, as a teaching edition script…

tell application id "DNtp"
	set tempFolder to (path to temporary items from user domain) as string
	-- Using the temp folder for temporary exports - a common thing to do.
	repeat with thisRecord in (selection as list)
		set recName to (name of thisRecord) -- Get the record's name
		if recName ends with ".pages" then -- If the name ends with ".pages", process it
			set baseName to (characters 1 thru -7 of recName) as string -- Get all the characters before the ".pages" and coerce it back to a string
			set exportName to (baseName & ".pdf") as string -- Make a new string with the proper file extension
			-- Calling Pages in a separate handler
			set convertedDoc to my pagesConvertToPDF(path of thisRecord, tempFolder, exportName)
			-- Passing the path, the location of the temp folder for exporting, and the name to be used for the export.
			-- After the handler finishes, the script continues here… 
			import (tempFolder & exportName) to current group -- Import to the current group.
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

on pagesConvertToPDF(recPath, tempFolder, exportName)
	tell application "Pages"
		set theDoc to open recPath -- Open the document
		with timeout of 1800 seconds -- Give it three minutes to export, as a safety margin
			export theDoc to file (tempFolder & exportName) as PDF -- Exporting to the temp folder, with the proper name, and as a PDF
		end timeout
		close theDoc -- Close the document when finished
	end tell
	-- Return back to where the script left off
end pagesConvertToPDF

This shows an example of a simple handler with named parameters.
Also, this is not error-trapped outside of checking if a document is a Pages file or not.