Script help. Save multiple tabs in DA as RTFs to DTpro


I want to be able to save multiple tabs open in DA as RTFs to my DTpro database. I’ve been trying to modify the following script but I’m missing the correct “type” when creating the record. As a way of example the script below has a type:txt which gave a quite interesting result that I might use for other purposes but not the RTFs of the pages I have open in DA. Can someone help me?

tell application "DEVONagent"
	set theTabs to tabs of window 1
	repeat with theTab in theTabs
		if exists URL of theTab then tell application "DEVONthink Pro" to create record with {name:name of theTab, URL:URL of theTab, type:txt}
	end repeat
end tell

While we’re on the subject, it would be nice if you could save the urls of tabs in DT Pro – now that DT Pro has tabs…


replace ```




Rich text scripting is almost unusable on Mac OS X, e.g. it’s only possible to transfer rich text inside an application (e.g. TextEdit) but not between multiple applications (e.g. DEVONagent & think).