Script: sync Zotero to DTPro

Thank you


I had several of the “Substitutions” selected in Script Editor - that must have altered the quotes somehow.

I figured it was something like that.

OK I am really sorry to keep posting about this same script - your patience is much appreciated.

Today with all the substitutions turned off as previously it again will not compile when I copy/paste the original script. I cannot identify anything different from when it did compile yesterday. What might I be doing or overlooking which is making this sometimes work and sometimes not work? Other scripts compile fine - there is something about this one that I am overlooking or not realizing that results in the same error above intermittently when I try to compile it.

Just checking: have you tried Script Editor instead of Debugger? I don’t know that it would make a difference, but who knows…

Yes - Script Editor and Script Debugger both give a similar error message. I did get it to compile a few times using Script Editor and thereafter the compiled script would run on Script Debugger, but I was never able to compile it successfullly on Script Debugger

Does it compile for you on either one or both? If yes, what settings on my computer might cause this?

I’m just wild guessing here but could it be that Script Debugger somehow tries to compile the script for DT 2?

I get a similar error when trying to compile the script with DT 2, which obviously doesn’t work since the script is written for DT 3.

How do you compile a script “with” or “for” DT 2? The Tell statements reference DNtp which is correct.

So if you try to compile it wit Script Editor you get a similar error? That would appear to replicate/confirm my problem. The question remains - why does it happen, and why does it sometimes compile and sometimes not compile?

AFAIK, tell application id "DNtp" did already work with DT 2 and I remember having used this tell statement with DTP2. See:

Trying to compile the script with Script Editor and DT 2 gives me this error:

@rkaplan do you get the correct reference to DT3 when executing this one line:

tell application "Finder" to get application id "DNtp"

Your error translates per Google translate to “Line end, etc. expected, but property found” which is essentially the same error I got.

Seems to me you are compiling it with Script Editor with the comment that it is for Applescript 2.4. Whether the compiled script runs on DT2 or DT3 is a separate issue.

So you are getting the same error as I am - why?


Guess what? Now it compiles on my computer without error.

Something I am doing is going back and forth between it works and does not work - no clue what that may be.

** And even though it compiles with Script Editor, I still get a similar error if I try to compile it with Script Debugger

Do you have both DTPO and DT3 installed? Perhaps the script compiler sometimes switches which app it’s using? Definitely odd!

(I have not attempted to use this script at all, sorry.)

No - just DT3

First of all, thank you so much for doing this, this makes a lot of things easier. I have adapted your code to do what you said you wanted to do with dates: I get a timestamp at the beginning of the run, retrieve a lastRun date from the database and then compare the modifiedDate from zotero for every item to the lastRun date and only process the reference if the modifiedDate is younger than the last run.

A couple of notes: First, the timestamps aren’t all that precise. Zotero specifies the last modified date with UTC, and the only method to simply get UTC time in AppleScript I found is to subtract “time to GMT” from the date object. The problem with “time to GMT” is that it will be an hour off if your timezone switches to/from daylight savings time at a different day than GMT. But it’s an hour, so who cares. I also figured I’d build in a 1-week grace period to make sure I don’t miss any entries, so the script processes every entry that has been modified later than 1 week before the last run. That way we do a bit of redundant iterating, but don’t miss anything. Probably could also just be a day but I switch timezones a lot, and just wanted to be sure.

The other thing to mention is that this script is quite vulnerable: if something goes wrong during a (sometimes quite long run), the UUID database will never be written and that might cause duplicates and other problems down the line. I wonder if it’s worth writing it every time a reference is processed, even though that might mean quite a long time for the first run at least.

Anyway, here’s my version of your code with annotations:

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"

-- all the settings should be here
set bibJSONFile to "/Users/lyndon/repo/workflow/zot-export-bbt.json"
--set thePListFile to "/Users/lyndon/repo/workflow/zotero-to-devonthink.plist"
set theTemplateFile to "/Users/lyndon/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Templates.noindex/Education/Reference"
set theDTDBFile to "/Users/lyndon/DevonThink/Research.dtBase2"
set theDTLocation to "/Library"

set theModName to "_mod_datetime_zotero.txt"
set theDictionaryName to "_dictionary_zoteroid_uuid.txt"

set ca to current application
property NSJSONSerialization : a reference to current application's NSJSONSerialization
property NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted : a reference to 1
property NSData : a reference to current application's NSData
property NSString : a reference to current application's NSString

-- a helper method to replace any substring with a space
on remove:remove_string fromString:source_string
	set s_String to NSString's stringWithString:source_string
	set r_String to NSString's stringWithString:remove_string
	return s_String's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:r_String withString:" "
end remove:fromString:

set theJSONData to NSData's dataWithContentsOfFile:(bibJSONFile)
set theJSON to NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:theJSONData options:0 |error|:(missing value)
set theCurrentTime to (current date) - (time to GMT) -- Zotero uses UTC, so should we. 
set theDateModifiedObject to current date -- Quickest way to get date object.

set bibjson to theJSON as record
set therefs to |items| of bibjson

set mainDict to missing value
set theDictRecord to missing value

-- load up the previous data
tell application id "DNtp"
	set theDatabase to open database theDTDBFile
	set theLocation to create location theDTLocation in theDatabase
	-- set mainDict to current application's NSMutableDictionary's dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:thePListFile
	if mainDict is missing value then
		set mainDict to current application's NSMutableDictionary's new()
	end if
	tell theLocation
		set theDictPath to theDTLocation & "/" & theDictionaryName
		set theDictRecord to get record at theDictPath
		if theDictRecord is missing value then
			set theDictRecord to create record with {name:theDictionaryName, type:"txt"} in theLocation
		end if
		if theDictRecord is not missing value then
			set mainDictContents to plain text of theDictRecord
			set mdStr to (ca's NSString's stringWithString:mainDictContents)
			set mdDataDict to item 1 of (ca's NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:(mdStr's dataUsingEncoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding)) options:0 |error|:(reference))
			mainDict's setDictionary:mdDataDict
		end if
	end tell
	-- check last run of script.
	tell theLocation
		set theModPath to theDTLocation & "/" & theModName
		set theModRecord to get record at theModPath
		if theModRecord is missing value then
			set theModRecord to create record with {name:theModName, type:"txt"} in theLocation
		end if
		if theModRecord is not missing value then
			set theLastRun to plain text of theModRecord
		end if
	end tell
	--	set theChildGroups to {}
	--	try
	--		set theChildGroups to children of theLocation
	--	end try
	--	repeat with theChild in theChildGroups
	--		if type of theChild is group then
	--			set theZoteroIDString to get custom meta data for "zoteroid" from theChild
	--			set theUUID to uuid of theChild
	--			(mainDict's setObject:theUUID forKey:theZoteroIDString)
	--		end if
	--	end repeat
end tell

set limitCounter to 0
repeat with theRef in therefs
	set limitCounter to limitCounter + 1
	--	if (limitCounter > 20) then exit repeat
	--  Seems like Zotero stores modified date in ISO8061 format for UTC time: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. That's easy to convert reliably I'd think.  
	tell theDateModifiedObject to set {its year, its month, its day, its hours, its minutes, its seconds} to {text 1 thru 4, text 6 thru 7, text 9 thru 10, text 12 thru 13, text 15 thru 16, text 18 thru 19} of dateModified of theRef
	-- Let's check the last modified date against the last run. Since there could be race conditions, let's give it a one-week grace period, that is, process all references that have been modified later than 1 week before the last run. 
	if theLastRun is equal to "" or theDateModifiedObject > (date (theLastRun as string)) - 1 * weeks then
		set {theKey, theTitle, theURI, theZoteroID, theDateModified} to {citationKey, title, uri, itemID, dateModified} of theRef
		set theSelectURI to ""
			set theSelectURI to |select| of theRef
		end try
			set theTitle to |shortTitle| of theRef
		end try
		set theZoteroIDString to theZoteroID as string
		set theDOI to ""
			set theDOI to DOI of theRef
		end try
		set theAbstract to ""
			set theAbstract to abstractNote of theRef
		end try
		set theDate to ""
			set theDate to |date| of theRef
			set theReferenceYear to theDate
		end try
		set theURL to ""
			set theURL to |url| of theRef
		end try
		set theCreators to ""
		set multipleCreators to ""
			repeat with theCreator in creators of theRef
					set theCreators to theCreators & multipleCreators & |firstName| of theCreator & " " & |lastName| of theCreator & " (" & |creatorType| of theCreator & ")"
					set multipleCreators to " and "
				end try
			end repeat
		end try
		set theTags to {}
			repeat with theTagItem in tags of theRef
				set theTags to theTags & tag of theTagItem
			end repeat
		end try
		-- construct group name and look for a previous group in the dictionary	
		set theGroupFile to theKey & " " & theTitle
		set theGroupFile to (my remove:"/" fromString:theGroupFile)
		set theUUID to missing value
		set theUUID to (mainDict's objectForKey:theZoteroIDString)
		-- create or update the group
		if theUUID is missing value then
			tell application id "DNtp"
				set theGroup to create location theDTLocation & "/" & theGroupFile
				set theUUID to uuid of theGroup
			end tell
			set theUUID to theUUID as string
			tell application id "DNtp"
				set theGroup to get record with uuid theUUID
				if theGroup is missing value then set theGroup to create location theDTLocation & "/" & theGroupFile
				set the name of theGroup to ("" & theGroupFile)
				set theUUID to uuid of theGroup
			end tell
		end if
		-- create or update a summary file
		set theSummaryName to ("___" & theGroupFile & ".md") as text
		set theSummaryDate to theDate
		set theSummaryPlaceholders to {|%reference%|:theTitle, |%authors%|:theCreators, |%date%|:theSummaryDate, |%citation%|:theKey, |%doi%|:theDOI, |%abstract%|:theAbstract, |%zoteroselect%|:theSelectURI}
		tell application id "DNtp"
			set theTempRecord to import theTemplateFile placeholders theSummaryPlaceholders to theGroup
			set thePrevSummaryName to get custom meta data for "referencesummaryfile" from theGroup
			if thePrevSummaryName is missing value or thePrevSummaryName = "" then
				set theSummaryRecord to get record at (the location of theTempRecord) & theSummaryName
				set theSummaryRecord to get record at (the location of theTempRecord) & thePrevSummaryName
			end if
			if theSummaryRecord is missing value then
				set the name of theTempRecord to theSummaryName
				set theSummaryRecord to theTempRecord
				set theTempContent to the plain text of theTempRecord
				set the plain text of theSummaryRecord to theTempContent
				delete record theTempRecord
				set the name of theSummaryRecord to theSummaryName
			end if
		end tell
		(mainDict's setObject:theUUID forKey:theZoteroIDString)
		tell application id "DNtp"
			tell theGroup
				set aliases to theKey
				set tags to theTags
				set URL to theSelectURI
				set custom meta data to {referencesummaryfile:theSummaryName, DOI:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, zoteroid:theZoteroID}
			end tell
		end tell
		-- add attachments and bookmarks to the group
		if theURL ≠ "" then
			tell application id "DNtp"
				set theBookmarkRecord to lookup records with URL theURL
				if theBookmarkRecord is missing value or (count of theBookmarkRecord) is less than 1 then
					create record with {name:theURL, type:bookmark, URL:theURL} in theGroup
				end if
			end tell
		end if
		set theAttachmentPath to ""
		set attachmentList to {}
			set attachmentList to attachments of theRef
		end try
		repeat with theAttachment in attachmentList
			set theAttachmentPath to ""
			set theAttachmentURI to ""
			set theAttachmentURL to ""
			set theAttachmentLinkMode to ""
				set theAttachmentPath to |path| of theAttachment
			end try
				set theAttachmentURI to uri of theAttachment
			end try
				set theAttachmentURL to |url| of theAttachment
			end try
				set theAttachmentLinkMode to linkMode of theAttachment
			end try
			if theAttachmentPath ≠ "" then
				tell application id "DNtp"
					tell theGroup
						set theAttachmentRecord to lookup records with path theAttachmentPath
						if theAttachmentRecord is missing value or (count of theAttachmentRecord) is less than 1 then
							set theAttachmentRecord to indicate theAttachmentPath to theGroup
							set theAttachmentRecord to item 1 of theAttachmentRecord
						end if
						if theAttachmentRecord is not missing value then
							set custom meta data of theAttachmentRecord to {DOI:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, zoteroid:theZoteroID}
						end if
					end tell
				end tell
			else if theAttachmentLinkMode = "linked_url" then
				tell application id "DNtp"
					set theBookmarkRecord to lookup records with URL theAttachmentURL
					if theBookmarkRecord is missing value or (count of theBookmarkRecord) is less than 1 then
						create record with {name:theAttachmentURL, type:bookmark, URL:theAttachmentURL} in theGroup
					end if
				end tell
			end if
		end repeat
	end if
end repeat

set theMainDictJSONData to (NSJSONSerialization's dataWithJSONObject:mainDict options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted |error|:(missing value))
set theMainDictJSONString to (ca's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:theMainDictJSONData encoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding))
set theMainDictJSONStringAS to (theMainDictJSONString as text)
tell application id "DNtp"
	tell theGroup
		set plain text of theDictRecord to theMainDictJSONStringAS
		--	(mainDict's writeToFile:thePListFile atomically:true)
	end tell
	tell theGroup
		set plain text of theModRecord to theCurrentTime as text
	end tell
end tell
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Sorry for the long delay in replying - yes, I ran into a few little bumps with that so I’ve changed it to write the map out for each item. It slows things down but the main speed issue is iteration over the AppleScript records. I need to figure out a faster iteration method. There are a few articles online about this kind of thing but I haven’t had a moment to sort it all out.

Thank you for the timestamp checking! Much appreciated and I’ll drop that in too.

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Do you mind sharing the updated version or just the relevant code that does this? That way we can divide our efforts! I have also considered just passing the processing stuff to a script in a slightly more efficient language and only use Applescript to read/write from Devonthink. Not sure I’ll get around to implementing and testing this too soon though.

Here’s an updated version that uses a script object reference for iteration. Gets through my over 2,000 record BibTeX file in about 15 minutes now (vs a few hours before), and includes the date check modification. It has left a duplicate map database between Zotero ID and DT UUID but I can’t figure out what that’s about and I’m going to watch a movie :slight_smile:

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"

-- all the settings should be here
set bibJSONFile to "/Users/lyndon/repo/workflow/zot-export-bbt.json"
--set thePListFile to "/Users/lyndon/repo/workflow/zotero-to-devonthink.plist"
set theTemplateFile to "/Users/lyndon/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Templates.noindex/Education/Reference"
set theDTDBFile to "/Users/lyndon/DevonThink/Research.dtBase2"
set theDTLocation to "/Library"

set theModName to "_mod_datetime_zotero.txt"
set theDictionaryName to "_dictionary_zoteroid_uuid.txt"

set ca to current application
property NSJSONSerialization : a reference to current application's NSJSONSerialization
property NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted : a reference to 1
property NSData : a reference to current application's NSData
property NSString : a reference to current application's NSString

script V
	property vTheRefs : missing value
end script

-- a helper method to replace any substring with a space
on remove:remove_string fromString:source_string
	set s_String to NSString's stringWithString:source_string
	set r_String to NSString's stringWithString:remove_string
	return s_String's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:r_String withString:" "
end remove:fromString:

set theJSONData to NSData's dataWithContentsOfFile:(bibJSONFile)
set theJSON to NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:theJSONData options:0 |error|:(missing value)
set theCurrentTime to (current date) - (time to GMT) -- Zotero uses UTC, so should we. 
set theDateModifiedObject to current date -- Quickest way to get date object.

set bibjson to theJSON as record
set therefs to |items| of bibjson
set V's vTheRefs to |items| of bibjson
set therefscount to (count therefs)

set mainDict to missing value
set theDictRecord to missing value

-- load up the previous data
tell application id "DNtp"
	set theDatabase to open database theDTDBFile
	set theLocation to create location theDTLocation in theDatabase
	-- set mainDict to current application's NSMutableDictionary's dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:thePListFile
	if mainDict is missing value then
		set mainDict to current application's NSMutableDictionary's new()
	end if
	tell theLocation
		set theDictPath to theDTLocation & "/" & theDictionaryName
		set theDictRecord to get record at theDictPath
		if theDictRecord is missing value then
			set theDictRecord to create record with {name:theDictionaryName, type:"txt"} in theLocation
		end if
		if theDictRecord is not missing value then
			set mainDictContents to plain text of theDictRecord
			set mdStr to (ca's NSString's stringWithString:mainDictContents)
			set mdDataDict to item 1 of (ca's NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:(mdStr's dataUsingEncoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding)) options:0 |error|:(reference))
			mainDict's setDictionary:mdDataDict
		end if
	end tell
	-- check last run of script.
	tell theLocation
		set theModPath to theDTLocation & "/" & theModName
		set theModRecord to get record at theModPath
		if theModRecord is missing value then
			set theModRecord to create record with {name:theModName, type:"txt"} in theLocation
		end if
		if theModRecord is not missing value then
			set theLastRun to plain text of theModRecord
		end if
	end tell
	--	set theChildGroups to {}
	--	try
	--		set theChildGroups to children of theLocation
	--	end try
	--	repeat with theChild in theChildGroups
	--		if type of theChild is group then
	--			set theZoteroIDString to get custom meta data for "zoteroid" from theChild
	--			set theUUID to uuid of theChild
	--			(mainDict's setObject:theUUID forKey:theZoteroIDString)
	--		end if
	--	end repeat
end tell

set limitCounter to 0
--repeat with theRef in therefs
repeat with i from 1 to therefscount
	set theRef to item i of V's vTheRefs
	set limitCounter to limitCounter + 1
	--	if (limitCounter > 20) then exit repeat
	repeat 1 times -- dummy loop to allow skip to next item on error
		--  Seems like Zotero stores modified date in ISO8061 format for UTC time: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. That's easy to convert reliably I'd think.  
		tell theDateModifiedObject to set {its year, its month, its day, its hours, its minutes, its seconds} to {text 1 thru 4, text 6 thru 7, text 9 thru 10, text 12 thru 13, text 15 thru 16, text 18 thru 19} of dateModified of theRef
		-- Let's check the last modified date against the last run. Since there could be race conditions, let's give it a one-day grace period, that is, process all references that have been modified later than 1 day before the last run. 
		if theLastRun is equal to "" or theDateModifiedObject > (date (theLastRun as string)) - 1 * days then
				set {theKey, theTitle, theURI, theZoteroID, theDateModified} to {citationKey, title, uri, itemID, dateModified} of theRef
			on error
				exit repeat
			end try
			set theSelectURI to ""
				set theSelectURI to |select| of theRef
			end try
				set theTitle to |shortTitle| of theRef
			end try
			set theZoteroIDString to theZoteroID as string
			set theDOI to ""
				set theDOI to DOI of theRef
			end try
			set theAbstract to ""
				set theAbstract to abstractNote of theRef
			end try
			set theDate to ""
				set theDate to |date| of theRef
				set theReferenceYear to theDate
			end try
			set theURL to ""
				set theURL to |url| of theRef
			end try
			set theCreators to ""
			set multipleCreators to ""
				repeat with theCreator in creators of theRef
						set theCreators to theCreators & multipleCreators & |firstName| of theCreator & " " & |lastName| of theCreator & " (" & |creatorType| of theCreator & ")"
						set multipleCreators to " and "
					end try
				end repeat
			end try
			set theTags to {}
				repeat with theTagItem in tags of theRef
					set theTags to theTags & tag of theTagItem
				end repeat
			end try
			-- construct group name and look for a previous group in the dictionary	
			set theGroupFile to theKey & " " & theTitle
			set theGroupFile to (my remove:"/" fromString:theGroupFile)
			set theUUID to missing value
			set theUUID to (mainDict's objectForKey:theZoteroIDString)
			-- create or update the group
			if theUUID is missing value then
				tell application id "DNtp"
					set theGroup to create location theDTLocation & "/" & theGroupFile
					set theUUID to uuid of theGroup
				end tell
				set theUUID to theUUID as string
				tell application id "DNtp"
					set theGroup to get record with uuid theUUID
					if theGroup is missing value then set theGroup to create location theDTLocation & "/" & theGroupFile
					set the name of theGroup to ("" & theGroupFile)
					set theUUID to uuid of theGroup
				end tell
			end if
			set theMainDictJSONData to (NSJSONSerialization's dataWithJSONObject:mainDict options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted |error|:(missing value))
			set theMainDictJSONString to (ca's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:theMainDictJSONData encoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding))
			set theMainDictJSONStringAS to (theMainDictJSONString as text)
			tell application id "DNtp"
				tell theGroup
					set plain text of theDictRecord to theMainDictJSONStringAS
					--	(mainDict's writeToFile:thePListFile atomically:true)
				end tell
			end tell
			-- create or update a summary file
			set theSummaryName to ("___" & theGroupFile & ".md") as text
			set theSummaryDate to theDate
			set theSummaryPlaceholders to {|%reference%|:theTitle, |%authors%|:theCreators, |%date%|:theSummaryDate, |%citation%|:theKey, |%doi%|:theDOI, |%abstract%|:theAbstract, |%zoteroselect%|:theSelectURI}
			tell application id "DNtp"
				set theTempRecord to import theTemplateFile placeholders theSummaryPlaceholders to theGroup
				set thePrevSummaryName to get custom meta data for "referencesummaryfile" from theGroup
				if thePrevSummaryName is missing value or thePrevSummaryName = "" then
					set theSummaryRecord to get record at (the location of theTempRecord) & theSummaryName
					set theSummaryRecord to get record at (the location of theTempRecord) & thePrevSummaryName
				end if
				if theSummaryRecord is missing value then
					set the name of theTempRecord to theSummaryName
					set theSummaryRecord to theTempRecord
					set theTempContent to the plain text of theTempRecord
					set the plain text of theSummaryRecord to theTempContent
					delete record theTempRecord
					set the name of theSummaryRecord to theSummaryName
				end if
			end tell
			(mainDict's setObject:theUUID forKey:theZoteroIDString)
			tell application id "DNtp"
				tell theGroup
					set aliases to theKey
					set tags to theTags
					set URL to theSelectURI
					set custom meta data to {referencesummaryfile:theSummaryName, DOI:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, zoteroid:theZoteroID}
				end tell
			end tell
			-- add attachments and bookmarks to the group
			if theURL ≠ "" then
				tell application id "DNtp"
					set theBookmarkRecord to lookup records with URL theURL
					if theBookmarkRecord is missing value or (count of theBookmarkRecord) is less than 1 then
						create record with {name:theURL, type:bookmark, URL:theURL} in theGroup
					end if
				end tell
			end if
			set theAttachmentPath to ""
			set attachmentList to {}
				set attachmentList to attachments of theRef
			end try
			repeat with theAttachment in attachmentList
				set theAttachmentPath to ""
				set theAttachmentURI to ""
				set theAttachmentURL to ""
				set theAttachmentLinkMode to ""
					set theAttachmentPath to |path| of theAttachment
				end try
					set theAttachmentURI to uri of theAttachment
				end try
					set theAttachmentURL to |url| of theAttachment
				end try
					set theAttachmentLinkMode to linkMode of theAttachment
				end try
				if theAttachmentPath ≠ "" then
					tell application id "DNtp"
						tell theGroup
							set theAttachmentRecord to lookup records with path theAttachmentPath
							if theAttachmentRecord is missing value or (count of theAttachmentRecord) is less than 1 then
								set theAttachmentRecord to indicate theAttachmentPath to theGroup
								set theAttachmentRecord to item 1 of theAttachmentRecord
							end if
							if theAttachmentRecord is not missing value then
								set custom meta data of theAttachmentRecord to {DOI:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, zoteroid:theZoteroID}
							end if
						end tell
					end tell
				else if theAttachmentLinkMode = "linked_url" then
					tell application id "DNtp"
						set theBookmarkRecord to lookup records with URL theAttachmentURL
						if theBookmarkRecord is missing value or (count of theBookmarkRecord) is less than 1 then
							create record with {name:theAttachmentURL, type:bookmark, URL:theAttachmentURL} in theGroup
						end if
					end tell
				end if
			end repeat
		end if -- end the modification date check
	end repeat -- end dummy loop	
end repeat

tell application id "DNtp"
	tell theGroup
		set plain text of theModRecord to theCurrentTime as text
	end tell
end tell
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I’m not sure this isn’t somewhat random BUT I did notice that when I don’t run this script from Script Editor (for example from the DT menu or from Script Debugger), the scope seems to be off. The first thing I noticed was the thing you mentioned, that there were suddenly duplicates of the UUID db file and the last run file. But then I started realizing that some records were replicated in my inbox rather than iterated over in the location specified at the beginning.

What I did to fix that was to remove all instances where you use a construct like “tell theLocation” and instead just adding “in database “Work”” to every get/create record statement (that is, both for the metadata files mentioned above, but also for the group and summaryfile and so on). Suddenly those duplicates in the inbox disappeared, and now it seems to also no longer produce the other problems. I’m happy to post my version of your script if it’s useful for others, although by now I have really departed from some of your initial concepts and expanded quite a few things (but also made it slower again :)), so let me know if you’d rather I don’t clutter up your thread.

I think it’d be great to see your script - these are all a bit custom to the specific setup people have and I think anything is grist for the mill.