Script that automates dividing a folder into Sub-folders?

Hello everybody,

Is there some script that can automate the dividing of a folder of images into Sub-folders? I have a bunch of folder of 1000 or so images that I want to group into sub-folders of 25 images each. So far I’ve just been manually selecting 25 pictures and then grouping them, and then selecting the next set of 25 and grouping them into a new sub-group. Is there some way to use AppleScript or Automator so that this can be done automatically?

Thanks so much!

So I understand: you want to arbitrarily split the files (i.e., sort order and nothing else matters; just 25x25x25…)?

Yes, so my image files are all numbered, say from 0 to 932, and I want to put 0-25 in folder 1, 26-50 in folder 2, 51-76 in folder 3 and so on. Also I’m not sure if it matters, but say in a folder of 90 images, is there some way to go 25, 25, 25, and 15 in the last folder?

Thanks so much!

Try this. For safety, the script duplicates documents and does not delete the original. You need to do that manually. You are prompted for the base name that is used to create each new group. You are also prompted for how many items you want in each group (e.g. 25). The target groups are created in the database root. One enhancement would be to use the “display group selector” option to chose the target group.

Use at your own risk; no guarantees - including against losing your data.

Caveat: if you’re splitting 1,000 images this script will take a very long time to run during which DTPO will be hung up and not responsive.

-- Split Records into Groups
-- Use at your own risk: data loss is your risk
-- Made by korm 20100429
-- Could be enhanced by using "display group selector"
-- This is experimental.  Statements can be consolidated by anyone who wants to clean up this script

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
		set theDatabase to current database
		set theGroup to current group
		set GroupBaseName to text returned of (display dialog "What is the base name for groups?" default answer "<<enter default base name>>")
		set GroupCount to text returned of (display dialog "How many records in a group?" default answer "<<enter number of records in a group>>")
		set theseItems to selection
		if theseItems is {} then error "Please make a selection"
		set theItemCounter to 1
		set theGroupCounter to 1
		set theGroupCounter_str to theGroupCounter as string
		set GroupName to (GroupBaseName & " (Group: " & theGroupCounter_str & ")")
		set CurrentTarget to create location GroupName in theDatabase
		repeat with thisItem in theseItems
			if theItemCounter < (GroupCount + 1) then
				duplicate record thisItem to CurrentTarget
				set theItemCounter to theItemCounter + 1
			end if
			if theItemCounter = (GroupCount + 1) then
				set theGroupCounter to theGroupCounter + 1
				set theGroupCounter_str to theGroupCounter as string
				set GroupName to (GroupBaseName & " (Group: " & theGroupCounter_str & ")")
				set CurrentTarget to create location GroupName in theDatabase
				set theItemCounter to 1
			end if
		end repeat
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink Pro" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

This works brilliantly! Thanks so much for your help. You’ve saved me so much time and effort.