Script to import files from CSV index?

  1. The file path is incomplete in the example.
  2. The filename and the Document Name are not the same here. You can’t set the title of a PDF as it’s read only. However, if the PDF has the title in place, it will be part of the import.
  3. You need to define what the custom metadata names are.

Here is my sample CSV in DEVONthink…

Here is a simple teaching edition snippet.

set docsPath to "~/Desktop/"
-- I am using this variable as your example text showed an incomplete path.
-- Using the variable above would import from files on my desktop.
-- Using a full path in the CSV could supersede this method.

tell application id "DNtp"
	set doc to (item 1 of (selection as list)) -- Handling a csv file selected in DEVONthink
	-- Get the header names and set variables for the meta data names
	set docHeaders to (columns of doc)
	set md1 to (item 2 of docHeaders) as string
	set md2 to (item 3 of docHeaders) as string
	set docContents to (cells of doc) -- Get the contents of the cells in the file
	repeat with csvItem in docContents
		set newRecord to import (docsPath & (item 1 of csvItem)) to current group -- Import the file
		-- Add the custom metadata
		add custom meta data (item 2 of csvItem) for md1 to newRecord
		add custom meta data (item 3 of csvItem) for md2 to newRecord
	end repeat
end tell
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