Script to open pdf in PDFpen and add an impromptu to the pdf

Hi everybody,

I’m new to devonthink and applescript and I try to automate my workflow. When I work on pdf’s, I normally add stamps to the pdf using PDFPen. (e.g. “Paid” or other stamps)

My Idea was to have a button (applescript) in DTPO to automate the process:

  • Open PDF in PDFPen
  • Add Stamp
  • Close and Save PDF

I tried to solve this in applescript. But I was not able to pass the pdf selected in DTPO to PDFPen using AppleScript.

Could someone give me an advice how to solve the issue?


tell application id "DNtp"
	set theSelection to the selection
	if (count of theSelection) is 1 then
		set thePath to path of item 1 of theSelection
		if thePath ends with ".pdf" then tell application "PDFpenPro" to open (POSIX file thePath) as alias
	end if
end tell

You may find the second script in this thread helpful for what you are doing.

I do a lot with PDFPen Pro from DT. It makes a fantastic combination if PDFs are your daily bread and butter


This is a nice automated solution for adding stamps to PDFs from within DT using PDFPen Pro

--list of {red, green, blue, alpha} in range 0 to 65535
set foregroundcolor to {65535, 65535, 65535}
set backgroundcolor to {65500, 0, 0}
tell application id "DNtp"
	set theSelection to the selection
	if (count of theSelection) is 1 then
		set dialog_reply to display dialog "Enter stamp:" default answer ""
		set impromptu to text returned of dialog_reply
		set thePath to path of item 1 of theSelection
		if thePath ends with ".pdf" then
			tell application "PDFpenPro"
				open (POSIX file thePath) as alias
				set thePage to page 1 of document 1
				set the_height to height of thePage
				set the_width to width of thePage
				set theImprint to (make new text imprint at end of imprints of thePage with properties {rich text:impromptu, x position:(the_width - 150), y position:(the_height - 50), height:30, width:540, background color:backgroundcolor)
				set font of attribute run 1 of rich text of theImprint to "Arial"
				set size of attribute run 1 of rich text of theImprint to 24
				set color of attribute run 1 of rich text of theImprint to foregroundcolor
				delay 0.5
					close document 1 saving yes
				end try
			end tell
		end if
	end if
end tell


[edit]2015-06-21 Minor fix