scripting a link to an existing doc


I would like to do the following:

I have a doc named myDoc
and another named myDoc, comments

I select some text in myDoc

Now, using a script to this:

  1. make that selection a link to myDoc, comments
  2. bring the myDoc,comments window forward (its already open)
  3. add the selection content as a new, last entry in myDoc, comments
  4. place text insertion point at end of that entry.

thanks, :slight_smile:


[size=150]From studying the DTpro AS dict, I think what I want can not be done at this time, unless someone can show me otherwise. :wink:


I would also like to script links and couldnt find a way to do so. Perhaps someone of the DEVON staff could answer to this question.
Anyway if scripting links is not possible today it would be a good feature for a future release :smiley:

Well maybe this is what you want… Hackish, but whas funny !

How To:

This scripts assumes that

  • you have two windows open, one with a record named “RECORD1” , and another with a record named “RECORD1,comments”
  • “RECORD1” is the frontmost
  • you have something selected
  • the link to contextual menu is enabled

Side effects:

  • clipboard contents are lost
  • It will link the selection to RECORD1,comments; paste the selection in it and leave you staring at the end of RECORD1,comments
  • If it doesn’t find the second window, it’ll create a new record named “RECORD1,comments” in the top group

You have some customisations on the top of the code if you want to tinker a bit…

set commentSuffix to ",comments"
set commentsSeparator to "-----"
set comeBackToSource to false

to split(someText, delimiter)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
	set someText to someText's text items
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
	return someText
end split

tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
	tell application "System Events"
		keystroke "c" using command down
	end tell
end tell

tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
	set srcw to front window
	tell front think window
		set src to content record
		set n to name of (content record)
	end tell
	set w to first think window whose name contains n & commentSuffix
		set tgt to (content record) of w
	on error
		set tgt to create record with {type:rtfd, name:n & ",comments"}
		open window for record tgt
	end try
	set full_path_txt to location of tgt
	set full_path to (my split(full_path_txt, "/"))
	--remove first and last element
	log (full_path)
	set lastindex to (length of full_path) - 1
	if lastindex > 2 then
		set full_path to (items 2 through lastindex) of full_path
		set full_path to {}
	end if
	set last_type to (name of tgt)
end tell

	tell application "System Events"
		set p to the first process whose name is "devonthink pro"
		tell p
			tell window 1
				tell scroll area 2
					tell text area 1
						perform action "AXShowMenu" --> Menu comes up fine.
						delay 0.1
						keystroke "Link to"
						delay 0.1
						key code 124
						repeat with p in full_path
							log (p)
							keystroke p
							delay 0.1
							key code 124
						end repeat
						keystroke last_type
						key code 36
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end try

tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
	open window for record tgt
	delay 0.2
	tell application "System Events"
		key code 125 using command down
		key code 36
		keystroke commentsSeparator
		key code 36
		keystroke "v" using command down
	end tell
	if (comeBackToSource) then
		open window for record src
	end if
end tell