Search DT3 for Email or Telegram Addresses


I need to clean out some addresses posted on a forum.
I want to search for telegram addresses and email addresses.
DT3 doesn’t seem to recognize the @ when typed in the search.
It also doesn’t seem to understand Regex.
I’m used to using PowerGrep on Windows, so not seeing a regex search engine sort of worries me.
Where can you recommend I start to learn how to search if I need to do technical searches inside web archives that I capture?

Only alphanumeric characters are indexed and searchable.

See Help > Documentation > Appendix > Search operators and Help > Documentation > Appendix > Search prefixes

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Thank you.
I bought a license for Crossover so I can run Windows software on my Mac and installed PowerGREP.
I used the Show in Finder on the DT3 context menu to locate the files stored in my DT3 database.
This works for PDFs, but not for webarchive. PowerGREP support has graciously added my request to their todo list.

Now I am at page 84 in the DT3.8 manual and I read:

Note: The search index contains alphanumeric characters as well as the following symbols: $€£¥%§

Does this bother the development team that they don’t have a regex engine built into the product that is powerful (like powerGREP)? It would bother me if it was my product.

Anyhow, I think I have a semi-working solution, just means I need text or PDF versions of everything in my database…