Search the location parameter


I’m looking for a way to create a smart group in DEVONthink that lists all pictures whose location does not contain the “*” character or the “Sources” word. By location I mean the path of groups and subgroups in which the file is located. In order to simplify the problem, I have added a condition to only get files whose instance is not a replicate. But I cannot find the location parameter. Have I missed something?

Best regards,

Currently there is no Location parameter for Smart Group criteria but if you have a segregated location - an overarching parent Group - you can select this in the dropdown instead of database.

I know about this parameter, I use it a lot, but I need to filter additionally based on the name of the location considering that many subgroups have the same name (they are part of a template, so I want to get only results from these same parts of each copy of the template). Could you please consider that as a feature request and pass it along to the development team?