Search within BBEdit docs, possible?

Thanks. How would you suggest I approach that, please, @rmschne?

(I could probably always use .rtf for TextEdit and .txt for BBEdit, couldn’t I?)

Thanks, @chrillek - that’s where I’ll do more research.

So, in the end, I could use the Finder’s Info dialogue box to set all files with the .txt extension to open with BBEdit and all files with the .rtf one to open with TextEdit, couldn’t I?

The purpose of my OP was to clarify and understand better how DT handles files created with BBEdit - so that I can search their contents.

As I said, when I first started using DT, it seemed as though DT was reporting that they were in an unknown format… It seems still to do that: ‘Unknown format’. If that’s entirely because there is no extension, then it’s now obvious what I have to do, thanks.

See the sage advice in above posts, and read further Apple’s instructions:

Above found by internet search for “macOS set default file extension to open app”

That is correct. macOS has long required file extensions and used those for application mapping.

Could you start a support ticket and send along a handful of files without extensions to inspect? Copy some into a folder, then ZIP the folder, and attach that. Thanks!

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Hi Jim, thanks for jumping in!

Have gladly done that (#751850).

I remember your telling me when I first started using DTP and asked about the ‘error’ (‘Unknown format’) that I should expect that when I imported files created in BBEdit.

And, as I am at pains to point out, no complains at all about (the way) DTP (works)!

If there is a way for me to search inside docs created with BBEdit, that’d be great. But I don’t want to have to do something which may one day fall foul of how BareBones themselves expect (naming etc conventions) to work with BBEdit.

Thanks again for finding time - no hurry - to look at this :slight_smile:

No problem. I’ll take a look shortly.

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