Searching tags

I’m using the current version of DT Pro. In a database I have a link to a web site tagged with “poetry” and “syllabi;” however, when I search for it using either “poetry syllabi” or “poetry and syllabi,” the search comes up empty. Can I not search for something by using its tags?


Use the full Search window (Tools > Search).

Click on the Advanced button.

To search for items tagged with both poetry and syllabi, set these criteria:
All of the following are true
Tag is poetry
Hold down the Option key and click the “+” button to enter this:
Tag is syllabi

To search for items tagged with either poetry or syllabi, set these criteria:
Any of the following is true
Tag is poetry
Tag is syllabi

Would you like to create a new smart group for those search criteria? Just click on the “+” button to the right of the Search window’s query field, then name and save the smart group.

Of course, in the Tags view you can Command-click on the poetry and syllabi tags to display items that have both tags.

After Command-clicking the second item, I had to double-click the second item to get search results.

For some reason, this did not work, and I repeated it several times:

This image shows what I did:
Screen shot 2014-01-18 at 11.47.23 AM.png

Omitting the third line in the above image produced the same result.

Your screen image of the criteria in the Advanced panel is logically correct.

You can click on the “-” button to remove the third line.

The search works. (Assuming that it isn’t further filtered by criteria in the query field, Label state, etc. The “All” setting is recommended. And of course assuming that there is at least one document in your database that has been tagged with both terms.)

That is, the search works if your database hold items that have been tagged with both tags. But a bookmark or link to a Web page that hasn’t been captured displays information that is not in your database. Also, an article on the Web that displays a list of “tags” is probably listing keywords, not tags. In that case, were you to capture the page to your database, a tags search would not find it, although a content search for those keywords would find it.

I just discovered that the Advanced search box is case-sensitive. That’s what caused me to get zero search results. I was entering “syllabi” and “poetry”; however, my tags were “Syllabi” and “Poetry.” Are Advanced searches always case-sensitive?