set application for "open external"

I like to setup Adobe Acrobat for open my PDFs when I invoke “open external …”. I can do this by define the default app for .pdf Files to Acrobat. But I like Apples Preview as the default app for .pdf from the finder. But when I work in DT i like to open external with Acrobat (mostly because the note and highligth utility (I know tiger has this also in Preview / PDF toolkit - but It’s a little bit limited for my needs).

Is there a way to define the “open external” application independend from the OS X default app?


Setting external applications for individual files … yes, please. There is a lot of your average *.doc doc that you don’t get to see in TextEdit. But I’m guessing that this will all be resolved by DT 2.0 and its seamless integration with the OS X file system?

(I’ll be strong and refrain from asking “when?”.)
