Sharing PDF document by mail

When I try to share a PDF document from by mail DTTG sends the source URL of the document instead of the PDF file. In prior versions the PDF file was sent. Please restore that feature.

I can’t confirm that behaviour using an iPhone on iOS 15.5, sharing with the Mail app from DTTG 3.5.

Which email app are you using (my memory is that the receiving app determines whether it receives a file or a link), and which iOS and DTTG versions?

I‘m using the standard Apple mail app with DTTG 3.5 on iPad with iPadOS 15.5 installed

Just checked - working on my iPad (also 15.5 and 3.5 with Mail) too; whilst I have no particular reason to believe this will work, maybe try restarting your device.

Presumably the record you are trying to send is available (i.e. downloaded) on the iOS device?

I’m not able to reproduce that behavior here either.

I just restarted the iPad and result still the same:

If I remove the URL from the document data then the PDF is used by mail. If I add the URL to the document data then mail (and ALL other apps under „Share“) uses the URL.

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Also: if the PDF document has a URL in the document data entered there is no option „save to files“ under „share“. But if the URL data field of the doc is empty then the option „save to files“ is available.

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Thank you for this insight. Noted as an issue.

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And fixed for the over-next maintenance update (there’s already one waiting for the App Store review).

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