Show only documents view and tags

I like using the “Show only documents” option in the View menu for databases that contain (mostly) images. I view those databases as icons with a nice big thumbnail size. By choosing “Show only documents”, I avoid the enormous icons for groups, smart groups (and tags) that otherwise would dominate the top of the list.

However, when I pick this database under Tags in Globals section of the sidebar, I don’t see any tags unless I first deselect “Show only documents” – which means I have to enable it again when I return to my database.

It seems to me the “Show only documents” is irrelevant in the Tags section under Globals. Wouldn’t it make more sense to disregard that setting in this context?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to disregard that setting in this context?

Seems logical but Development would have to weigh in on this.

While it’s logical, it’s probably better to ignore the setting in this case. Beta 5 will improve this.