Smartgroup edits not saving--starting with "any" and adding "all"

I am trying to modify a smartgroup by including both “any” and “all” criteria. I set it up initially just with “any.” I then did option+click on where the positive (+) sign is to add an “all” category. Here’s an example:

After taking that screen shot, all I did was click OK and then double click on the smartgroup (on its name on the left-side navigation pane). And as you can see, the “all” criterion disappears. Here’s the screen shot of what appears after double clicking:

Am I doing something wrong?

Your example works for me if I put “All” before “Any”:



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The argument you are using says: “any of conditions” 1, 2 or 3. You have then subdivided 3 into “all of condition” 3; if you add a further line in your “all” section you will see the term “all” no longer disappears. So: “any of conditions” 1, 2, 3; and then 3 subdivided into “all of conditions” 3a, 3b. Your rule would then trigger if 1 AND/OR 2 AND/OR (3a AND 3b).

So long as you only have one single condition in “all of” the term “all of” is superfluous.

If you are actually trying to say condition 3 must be matched and any of 1, 2 - so 3 AND (1 AND/OR 2) - then you need to put the “all” a level higher (see Stephen’s example)

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No. The conditions were automatically optimized but are actually still the same.