space for tags and document path in info panel

I use tags and nested folders intensively, and the info panel is always open on my 15" screen. Unfortunately, the document path is never fully displayed, and half of the tags are missing.

My suggestion is to increase the space for these info. I would like this implemented as soon as possible, because these informations are essential, but in the long run, I think that a decomposition of the info panel into several info panels like in Omni applications (inspector panels) would be the most elegant solution.

Bildschirmfoto 2010-08-03 um 17.02.31.png

The Info panel seems long overdue for redesign. I remember discussing lots of ideas years ago, yet it remains essentially unchanged.

Thanks for the feedback! We will improve this in a future release but right now there are already three alternatives:

  1. The Tags bar (supported by all windows) to display the tags
  2. The status bar of main windows displays the full location of the selected document
  3. The “Location” column (see View > Columns > …)
  1. Full path displays in help text popup when hovering cursor over Location (Ort, in Maria’s image) in the info panel

Thanks sjk and Christian for the hints. It is quite simple and shows that I have to get used to DT again.


Another possibility (like in the Finder) is to Command-click on the window’s title. The popup menu shows the location and can be used to reveal the document or an enclosing group.

True, though of course that only works when a document is open in a separate window.