Specific DB ibox vs Global inbox


I am using only one DB now and I want all my captured data to go into that specific inbox NOT the global inbox. I always have to import the data, go to the global inbox and then copy all the data from the global inbox to the specific DB’s inbox. How can I do this?

I tried changing the Peference destination (see attached screen shot), but it has no effect.


Kim Marietta

Snow Leopard 10.6.4
2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4 GB memory
Mac Book Pro
Fujitsu S1300 Scanner
DTPO 2.0.5

Folks I was able to make it work. I had to restart DTO after making the Destination change to the “inbox of current database”.

Kim Marietta

Snow Leopard 10.6.4
2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4 GB memory
Mac Book Pro
Fujitsu S1300 Scanner
DTPO 2.0.5

Worked for me as described without restarting, when a window for the database whose Inbox I was importing to was frontmost.

hum, I must have done something wrong, but it seems to be working now.
Thanks so much.

Apologies if this has been asked before; I’ve just purchased this and so far, so good.

On the Side Sorter, I see the Inbox (Global); however, there are also eight blank…drawers(?). I have six databases, and I’d like to create an inbox for each database-this way (I hope) I can drag stuff to “Latin American History” inbox, and when I opened that database, the material would go automatically into that database.

So: (1) how to do this? and (2) if I import material to the desired inbox, would it also appear in the Global inbox? (3) Under the “Services” feature, would there be a “Save to Latin Amer History Inbox” as a separate choice? (sorry if that last question is a bit unclear)

Many thanks
(DT Pro 2.0.9)

  1. Just drag the database inboxes to the Sorter, and you can shrink/grow the Sorter pane to any even number of slots by dragging the lower-right corner.

  2. No, the import will only appear in the inbox that you drag it to.

  3. The Services menu is separate from what you have set up in the Sorter. Items imported via the Services menu will be imported according to the Destination setting of the Import pane in Preferences (see the image in the first post above).

Many thanks!

If you have dragged multiple database Inboxes into empty slots in the Sorter, all named ‘Inbox’, that can get confusing.

Note that you can rename your datbase Inboxes to give yourself a cue as to which database each is tied to, before dragging them into empty Sorter slots. They will continue to function well, and you won’t have to play guessing games.

Yes, they all have a name corresponding to the database I want to drag the info into-I like that I can do this, since most of the info for db1 is unrelated to db2, etc.