Stability issues with audio files

I’ve been using DevonThink Pro to manage all sorts of documents and notes just fine, but have just started trying to use it to manage my fairly substantial collection of audio files (WAV and AIF mostly, music from 1MB to 200MB). Here’s my problem: the program keeps crashing, even though it never shows any signs of instability when I’m managing other document types. I store my audio files outside the database, so enter them in as aliases (same thing I do for all of my files). I’ve been trying for the past few hours to go through my list of files, listening to each to see what’s in it and then applying tags. I’ve tried setting up my view so the program doesn’t try to generate a preview of any kind for the music files. But still, if I select a file too quickly after selecting the last one, or just randomly it seems, BANG CRASH WALLOP the program quits and I have to start again.

Obviously, this isn’t acceptable. Is it a known bug in the program? (I haven’t found any recent posts on this topic, but may have missed something.) Is there some system or program setting I’m supposed to be using?


Please open a support ticket and send any crash reports or console logs to help us troubleshoot this. Thanks!

You got it … will do!