An updated version V5b6 (200.7 KB)
The tag selector of Stack script is now showing the command section that is the same as Tagger V5 except that the option of “tags match to see-also” in preference is only available in Tagger. The reason is that the tag selector in Stack is first shown when a note is created, there won’t be enough content to find any meaningful see-also documents.
With the command section in tag selector, the users can now perform the tasks of creating new tags and new date tags, filtering the tags list, and replicating the note to other groups again and again until all related tasks are finished.
The StackV5b6 is sharing the “StackAndTagger.plist” file. Users who have been testing Stack V5b5 will have to setup the preference of their Stack again but there is no impact to all of the notes and source stacks that were created previously.