Starting clean with DT3, what to do with DT2 db?

I upgraded to DevonThink 3 around Black Friday but haven’t actually used it yet.

I opened my DevonThink(ProOffice?) 2 database and realized that I’d really rather start clean with a new DB for version 3.

I know my DTv2 license will expire after awhile, but I can just keep my old DB around and open it later if I want, correct? Anything I should do before v2 expires?

There is no difference in the database format between dt2 and 3. You can continue to use the same database(s) with the new program

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@wmc is correct.

However, you also should not run DEVONthink 2 and 3 on the same account, on the same machine. At a minimum, you should delete DEVONthink 2.x from the /Applications folder and reboot the machine.