syncing 2.5

Can’t get the sync to work, either direct connection or dropbox. I had the beta installed and I’m wondering if this is the problem? I deleted the link in the dropbox app folder as instructed, both on the web and both computers. I don’t know if there is something else I should do to get rid of the beta or to otherwise make it so the sync will work. Very frustrating.

Please try the Sync operation again AFTER following these instructions…

To enable logging, type the following in /Applications/Utilities/ and restart DEVONthink:

defaults write com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2 DTSyncDebug -bool YES
defaults write com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2 DTSyncDebugHigh -bool YES

This will log more detail to your system log, which can be viewed in /Applications/Utilities/

After you’ve attempted the Sync, open Console, type “DEVONthink” in the filter field in the upper right-hand corner, and copy and paste ALL of the window’s contents into a new text document. Then start a Support Ticket at our DEVONtechnologies Support Ticket System and attach the document. Thank you.