Templates in DT To Go?

Hi there,

I was just wondering whether there is any way to use the daily journal template in DevonThink to Go. I was considering using it to journal but it seems like there is no template function on the iOS version, I guess I could use markdown from Drafts or something instead. Am I missing something?


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No, there are no templates in DEVONthink To Go.
This has been on our list and may be a feature in a future release.

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Maybe you could make some make a text replacement template for now. I used this when the Agenda app lacked templates and it worked pretty well.

You mean with TextExpander on iOS for example?

Can you explain what you want to journal? What would the document look like? You can use fictitious data if you like. Shortcuts might help you out here.

I kind of just want an integrated easy solution to click a button, make a nicely formatted journal entry (like the template in DT3) so it is consistent whether I make an entry on my Mac or my iPhone or my iPad, nothing special just a document with bullet points with consistent formatting, the date etc. That I can automatically create on all platforms

Yeah, or pin them on Paste if you don’t have TextExpander.

You can use Shortcuts and a DTTG URL-scheme to create an HTML template, You can also ask for input with Shortcuts.

First develop some HTML, for example:
<p>Journal CURRENT-DATE</p><p>ITEM1</p><p>ITEM2</p>

Then append the HTML to:

As is mentioned in the manual the source parameter expects URL-encoded raw HTML. So you first get:
x-devonthink://createdocument?source=<p>Journal CURRENT-DATE</p><p>ITEM1 ITEM2</p>

Which you subsequently URL-encode into:

Update: if you use the URL command in Shortcuts, it will automatically be URL encoded for you.

The URL above will create an HTML document as shown below. You can copy the URL and try for yourself.




If you want, Shortcuts can insert the actual current date, and you can optionally ask for input, e.g. for above journal Item1 and Item2. To options are endless.

To conclude the sequence in Shortcuts use the open-URL command and voila: you have a 1 push template creator that even opens DTTG for you.

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Which you subsequently URL-encode into:

Update: if you use the URL command in Shortcuts, it will automatically be URL encoded for you.

True, but the Text action is a bit more clear to work in with a longer URL.

I agree and exactly the reason why I used it in the first version of my comment. (Be careful to edit a URL with the native Notes.app though, as it creates hyperlinks with the actual URL hidden from sight).

There is a ‘hybrid’ option in Shortcuts by first editing the URL in Text and flowing that into a URL action (which as mentioned appears to be a URL-encoder).

The benefit of that is that it doesn’t require a ‘hard-coded’ URL in a Text action, but allows for variables/input that can flow into the text like this:

Input action (e.g. question or variable)
Text action (x-devonthink://command?=INPUT)
URL action (to URL-encode the Text action)
Open URL

I think you can create many templates for DTTG this way.

I think you can create many templates for DTTG this way.

It does open up some possibilities for the creative :slight_smile:

DDTG for iOS is a bit clunky in its current form on account of a buggy text editor. I tried using it to take notes initially but quickly jumped back to OneNote for iPad/iPhone notes (and more recently to Roam Research, which is fantastic if you don’t mind cloud-only access for the time being). I periodically copy over any important notes to DevonTHINK; this can actually be quite a helpful process, as it doubles as a review process for your recent writing. If you want nicely-formatted daily templates, Notion (needs cloud-access) and Evernote (works offline) are both effective options.

In fact, Evernote is a great option to pair with DevonTHINK: you can easily import Evernote folders into DevonTHINK with a few clicks using the Evernote importer. So if you create an Evernote folder for new journal entries, you can import them to DevonTHINK daily/weekly.

The good news is that a DTTG upgrade is in the works, though I’m not sure exactly when that will be released.

Look into 1writer. I use is exactly for what you describe and there is an option to use md templating. Great thing is that I am able to open md files from DTTG directly with 1writer w/o nerv-breaking copying between tools. This works like a charm for me: e2e encryption of DTTG+nice md interface of 1writer. That was a discovery of the year for me :slight_smile:

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Interesting! How can I get it to use DTTG as a directory?

Basically you go into menu on the left:
Folder > Open Another > Devonthink to Go
What I do is I normally go to Recents and it keeps the recent opened files from DTTG here. The processing happens directly in DTTG. No copy/pasting, etc.

Ooh cool, does this leverage the new open in place in the DTTG beta or does this work normally as well?

This works for me out of the box. Cannot comment on “open in place”. I do not have access to beta’s.

Great! Thank you so much can’t wait to try it :smiley:

But the HTML format is not editable in DTTG, right? Can it be converted to “formatted” in DTTG?

For access to the underlying html code, I edit the note (share) with a text editor app (Textastic)

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