Time of the sync

It’d be nice to have the possibility to add one or more specific times in which sync will be performed… :slight_smile:

When i say “everyhour” in the preferences, it always starts at the beginning of an hour, and if i have more macs syncing it’s a problem… :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion, we’ll consider this for upcoming releases.

This is really a problem. Dropbox Sync fails as my both Mac sync every hour at the same time. I think the sync should be possible “in real time” after each change as Evernote does. Or, at least, let define “every minute” or something like this.

I have decided that Dropbox is only suitable for one thing, and that is transferring files to other people.It seems to me that there are just too many problems with it to be reliable for anything else. I like to keep things simple and just back up my DEVONthink databases to an external hard drive. I do have DTTG for my iPad but after a post by someone else some while ago, (sorry can not remember who it was) I questioned my need for my DTPOffice to be on any mobile device other than my laptop. I have not once regretted not having it on the iPad as I simply do not need it there! I am niw in the happy position of not having to concern myself with syncing at all. :smiley: I would urge everyone to make an assessment of their actual needs rather than what is possible, sometimes “possible” isn’t needed.

I don’t think it was my post but AMEN, Allsop!! I strongly second your “urging”.

Dropbox is a sharing not a backup technology. I look at Dropbox like I look at Bill DeVille’s use of Tags… it’s transient data. I need to share something, I drop it in Dropbox let whoever needs it get it and after a couple of weeks, clear it out of there. If I need a backup… TimeMachine and external hard drives are the controllable, quick, and much more reliable solution.

And before anyone wants to flame about how they want to do what they want to do and it’s their choice and how “I’m a power user”… Remember this is an open forum to discuss things, not to fight or bully anyone. We all have our views (and even though I am an employee of DEVONTech that does not mean I am without my own opinions on these matters and I have the freedom to speak my mind as well). So if anyone’s going to respond further: Be nice! 8)

Sync’s synchronizations are too heavyweight to allow this. There’s a lot of machinery that comes whirring into motion for each operation, and right now it’s all geared at achieving (if possible) a successful sync.

I’m currently working on a successor to the sync technology that turns the previous approach on its head; it syncs continuously, as you describe, and is intended to just purr along in the background.

Of course, this doesn’t really help right now, or for the next couple of months, so I’ve added a small feature into the Sync plugin (for DEVONthink 2.6.2, soon to be released) where you can specify an offset in minutes that will be applied to hourly sync schedules. The syntax (this has to be done from the CLI) will be like this:

defaults write com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2 DTSyncScheduleHourlyOffset -int 15

This will make all hourly syncs take place at 15 minutes past the hour.

OK, if the offset can change from one machine to anothe, this is good!

But would be great if you could anyway shorten the delay a little bit, say every 30 min? :wink: :slight_smile:

So Mac 1 syncs 10:30, Mac 2 10:45, Mac 1 11:00 h; Mac 2 11:15…

Thank you

Sure! I should have some time to do this in early April :wink:

Hello, i opened a new topic with a sync problem with lost data that might be in relation with this time problem. Thank you.