Tip: syncing error 409 / 2FA

Hi, I use WebDAV syncstores. Works really well and is great.

Now I intended to add a second WebDAV syncstore on the same host. Added all credentials, new syncstore name, new password. And I got the following error:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-22 um 20.59.59

Error 409. I was wondering why, whether I can logon to the same service only once or whether I’ve committed another mistake.

I then logged on the cloud service to see what happens there. For this I had to add my Two-Factor-Authentication code. Logged in, all right there. As I had signed on on the Mac with my 2FA, DTPro was now also able to login. It seems that had been the missing element causing error 409.

Best, Da.

PS: What I initially found a bit confusing is when I have a existing sync store on a Mac, all data uploaded. Then I add the sync store in the second Mac, I still have to add the password twice (as if I set it anew). I would have thought that for an existing sync store, I only need to set the pw once. Anyway, works once I’ve filled up all the fields.

Welcome @dt-fan

So your sync is working now?

Hi Jim, thanks for asking.

Yes, it does work for me. I hadn’t found the solution and when I found out, I thought to forward-share to the Forum.

Best wishes

You’re welcome and thanks for sharing!