Trouble searching for text in the content AND title of an RT

I noticed some odd behavior in DT Pro Office 2.0b7.

Let’s say I have an RTF titled “Rumble fish” which contains the word “double”.

If I search (using the search bar in the upper right of a window) for “rumble” or “rumble fish” then the RTF is found. Likewise, if I search for “double”, the RTF, “Rumble fish” is found.

However, if I search for “Rumble double,” then the RTF is NOT found.

In other words, it seems like the search function will not look in both the title and content simultaneously.


Interesting. I got the same result.

“Rumble double” works like “rumble AND double”. Neither construct finds the note unless the “fuzzy” option is selected in the search box.

Not sure why that is not true; it seems like it should be.

If you try “rumble OR double” you’ll find what you want (even with “fuzzy” turned off). Which makes sense.

Search terms are always applied to each field which has therefore to match the complete term.

Aha! I understand now. Thanks!

I guess that explains it!

I would prefer that a search include the title and the content at the same time . . … Ah, well.


Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages but the current one returns at least consistent results for AND, Phrase, Proximity searching.

Yikes! Christian, I’m sorry, but this is terrible. I just ran into this problem too. It completely violates what I think is standard full-text searching practice for other text databases (for example, the way we can search in, or Journler, or Notebook, etc., etc.). I think it’s a big mistake to lose crucial functionality in simple full-text keyword searching – which, face it, most of us use all the time for quick and dirty searches (think Google) – because it makes it easier to implement more complex (e.g., Boolean) searches that we don’t use often.

This burns me on all of the hundreds of meeting notes I’ve got (imported from a couple of years of Journler usage, plus everything I’ve done since getting DT). I have a simple workflow for meeting notes that is efficient: I give the note a title descriptive of the meeting (e.g., “DAC meeting”). I don’t add date because I assume I can search over that with the Date Created field. Then in the content I type notes.

Today I was searching for a meeting in which we discussed faculty awards. I new it was the DAC committee (of the many different committees I attend), so I searched “dac faculty award”, which because DAC was in the title and “faculty award” in content, failed to find any documents.

DAC is a crucial search term here, as are the names of other committees and other contexts in which I take notes – which I put in the title so I can skim the index of titles to find things. But now, to use it, you’re saying I have to retype this metadata into the content. And I’m guessing that this is true for all other metadata, too? That if I have something in any of the document properties fields (like “keywords”), or in “Spotlight comments” or in “Tags” then a search for terms that appear partly in a metadata field and partly in content will fail? Jeepers.

I STRONGLY urge at least offering an option (and for me, one that can be set as the default preference) for full text searching over all information associated with an item, including metadata and content and all other text fields. Especially with so many different fields (I’m still confused about why there are “keywords” and “tags” AND “spotlight comments”, for example).

Thanks for considering…

Whilst Christian ponders, you could use

“DAC” OPT “faculty awards”

This find all notes that contain “DAC” and if any of those contain “faculty award” they are sorted to the top of the pile in the results window, else the notes are sorted in the usual manner.

When using “search in all” I can’t think of a situation where I would like to find AND or OR restricted to the same field only. I sometimes want to find AND/OR within the name only, but for this I can use “search in name”.

I think most people would expect “search in all” in combination with AND/OR to be cross-field or full text. Phrase and Proximity searches are of course focused on single fields (phrases can’t span multiple fields and an other field is never NEAR enough :wink:). I would say this is consistent as well.
