Turn badge off

Could we have an option to turn off the unread-count badge? It’s just info-clutter, IMO, especially on the iPhone.

See viewtopic.php?f=45&t=13304#p62485

I’m not looking to manually mark things read/unread. I want to turn off the badge.

I don’t like to promise anything until we’ve implemented it, but you can consider this to have a strong likelihood of happening. :slight_smile:

Thanks! May all the finest beignets in NOLA find their way to you! :smiley:

Actually, I believe iOS 5 will allow users to do this for any app, so it may not be necessary for DTTG to implement it specifically.

+1 for this to come true.

I don’t like seeing a 2000 item unread badge count in my screen (iOS). [ and prefer not to manually go an mark as unread for this sole purpose ]


Is this possible yet?

Not yet, but possibly quite soon.