Unable (at times) to drag and move files and group folders


I’m trying out DT and am missing something. Currently, I’m using the Three Pane View.

Sometimes the ability to drag and drop files and folders is just like in the Finder. However, for some reason, there are times when it doesn’t work and I have to right-click and Move to, which can be a real problem with all folders and subfolders I have.

Am I locking-up or hanging up the database somehow? Or missing a criteria or setting… in order to have the simple drag n drop functionality? How often is the “close and reopen” the database necessary?

Thanks for any help!



There’s not enough information to answer this.

How many databases are open?

Where are the databases located - the file paths?

What are the number of words / unique words are in each open database? (Check File > Database Properties)

What OS and amount of RAM do you have?

Have you rebooted your machine recently?

Thank you for responding!

I just opened up DT this morning and am having the same problem - unable to drag n drop Groups or Tags in order to better organize them in the hierarchy.

This is horribly frustrating. I’ve opened the one database I’m using, closed it, opened it, rebuilt it, quit DT Pro 2, logged out and logged back in… to no avail :-/.

There’s not enough information to answer this.
Sorry about that :frowning:

How many databases are open?
Just one, named “Personal”.

Where are the databases located - the file paths?
I have two databases. Both are in my users-> Documents-> Devonthink Databases

What are the number of words / unique words are in each open database? (Check File > Database Properties)
Word: 144,744 unique, 8,124,983 total

What OS and amount of RAM do you have?
OS X 10.11.6 with 16GB ram
( 2013 MacBook Pro, 2.6 GHz i7)

Have you rebooted your machine recently?
No. I very rarely need to. However, I’ll try that right now.

How do I receive email notifications of when replies to posts are answered?

Thanks again!


We highly advocate rebooting a machine at least once a week. You wouldn’t leave your car running in the driveway for months at a time. And there’s a lot more going on in your computer! :smiley:

There’s a link at the bottom of the post to “Subscribe to topic”

I took the last resort and rebooted my Mac. That worked.

Did the answers to the questions reveal the real cause?


– If my car ran on WinDoze I’d leaving running all day and night during the week and reboot it on Sundays. Fortunately, it’s a new demo model of the iCar and runs on Unix. I only have to restart it when there’s a major engine update :smiley:

Haha! Nice. However, ALL machines, regardless of OS, mobile or not should be rebooted periodically. Unless you are only running the operating system and nothing else… then maybe you could go longer. :wink:

LOL - I often describe my needs in a car as “4 wheels and an engine”, but while the engine might run well on its own, it won’t get me far without the wheels.

Unix is wonderful, but it does need tuneups and oil changes. A reboot even seems to balance and align the tires as well, so yes - I realize now I do need to reboot more often.

Thanks Jim! :slight_smile:

My pleasure!