Unable to import Database synced to Dropbox

My coworker and I are attempting to both use a database I have created and synced to a Dropbox account that we both are logged into via our respective DT applications. He can see the sync store file on his end when he attempts to access it for the first time on his computer, but it is greyed out and he cannot click on it. Any help?

Welcome @hyccup

It is unclear what you’re describing here.

  • He can see the sync store… where?
  • Where is it greyed out?

Screen captures could be helpful.

Here is what he sent me. The database sync file he is attempting to open is Research-DT.dtCloud. At this moment the file is no longer greyed out, but nothing happens when he tries to open it.

But to clarify: I have created a database on my computer, have created a sync store location on a Dropbox, and he is currently unsuccessful in getting the database on his own computer.

I am the other user, attempting to open the database that Hyccup has created, but without success. The screenshot above is from my machine. Both machines are operating DevonThink server.

You should not create a database on your computer and expect it to sync with another database with the same name. That will never work.

This is discussed in the Help > Documentation > In & Out > Sync > Sync Simplified

Welcome @Ariodante

To both of you: You can’t open a sync store, i.e., the .dtCloud file.

Are you both logged into the same Dropbox account on your respective machines?

Yes, we both are logged into the same Dropbox account. I am the PI and hyccup is my research assistant. My goal was for hyccup to set up a database using my research materials shared on Dropbox that I would then have access to. Thanks much.

As far as I’m aware, this isn’t what we have done. I think we’re just having trouble importing a database that I’ve put on Dropbox so we both have access.

You shouldn’t have local Dropbox data on your machines.

In the Dropbox application’s Preferences > Sync > Selective Sync, press the Choose folders to sync. Make sure the Apps/DEVONthink Packet Sync folder is unchecked.

You need to set up the sync location in DEVONthink’s Preferences > Sync.

Why do you have two different sync stores? It’s not infeasible but it doesn’t square with what you’re describing.

PS: As also noted in the documentation, a sync store is not a database.

One is an error, we’re only using the one titled Research-DT.

I would remove the unused sync store.

  • Who created the sync location?
  • Was an encryption key specified?
  • Has a databae been synced to the sync store already?

I think I found the error- the confusion in names has caused me to not sync to the correct sync store. I’ve deleted the old one and I believe I have created a sync store in the proper location, with a proper encryption key. I’ll update if it doesn’t work.

Sounds good.