Unterstützung für Apple Pages

Ich verwende inzwischen für den Großteil meines Schriftverkehrs das Programm Pages von Apple. Ist eine Unterstützung von Devonthink zur Indexierung oder Importierung geplant bzw. vorgesehen?

That’s not currently possible, although we hope to add additional file types – possibly including Pages – in version 2.0.

In the meantime, one can ‘print’ a Pages document to the database by invoking the Print command in Pages. When the Print panel appears, click on the PDF button and choose the script to save a PDF version to your database.

Better yet, Pages can export as PDF, and the resulting PDF retains internal hyperlinks, such as URLs or links to endnotes.

I’m using Papyrus 12, which lets me save in a hybrid PDF file format, so that the resulting documents are viewed as PDF in my database, yet remain fully editable under Papyrus.

The proliferation of proprietary file types makes it difficult to index or render a great many of them.