Updating metadata keywords in a PDF record

Unsurprisingly, you are correct. Thanks a bunch.

Here’s a JavaScript version of @MrSkooby’s script, following the path I suggested before:

(() => {
  const app = Application("DEVONthink 3")
  /* Get the record to add keywords to */
  const rec = app.getRecordWithUuid('x-devonthink-item://83E31EAE-991E-41A3-A146-20E4A77295E8');

  /* create a PDFDocument from the record's path converted to an URL */
  const PDFDoc = $.PDFDocument.alloc.initWithURL($.NSURL.fileURLWithPath($(rec.path())));

/* get the documentAttributes as a mutable array so we can add keywords to it */
  const PDFAttributes = $.NSMutableDictionary.dictionaryWithDictionary(PDFDoc.documentAttributes);

  /* Set the "Keywords" entry of the PDFAttributes to something unique 
     for testing purposes */
  PDFAttributes.setValueForKey($([$('blurbsel')]), $('Keywords'));

  /* Update the PDF's documentAttributes */
  PDFDoc.documentAttributes = PDFAttributes;

  /* Write back the PDF */

  /* Force DT to update it's index re this record */
  app.synchronize({record: rec});

The setValueForKey call is a bit weird because it needs Objective-C data structures. $([…]) converts a JavaScript array into an NSArray, while $('…') converts a JavaScript string into an NSString. Therefore, $([$('blurbsel')]) is an NSArray with an NSString as its only element.