This script creates new webarchives from selected webarchives and inherits properties.
Comment out every property that should not be inherited in the “Inherit properties” block.
To do so prefix the line with #
-- Create new webarchive from selected webarchive and inherit properties
-- Note: New webarchives may not contain the content you expect. It's necessary to manually check every new webarchive before you delete the old one
-- Setup: Comment out every property that should not be inherited in the "Inherit properties" block. To do so prefix the line with #
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
tell application id "DNtp"
set theRecords to selected records
if theRecords = {} then error "Please select some webarchives"
show progress indicator "Creating webarchive..." steps (count theRecords) as string with cancel button
repeat with thisRecord in theRecords
set thisType to (type of thisRecord) as string
if thisType is in {"webarchive", "«constant ****wbar»"} then
set thisRecord_Name to name without extension of thisRecord
step progress indicator thisRecord_Name
set thisNewWebarchive to create web document from (URL of thisRecord as string) in parent 1 of thisRecord -- Create new webarchive in selected webarchive's group
set URL of thisNewWebarchive to my getWebResourceURLKey(path of thisNewWebarchive) -- Set record's URL to webarchive's internal URL (the one that was actually used to create the content). Necessary in case of redirections
tell thisNewWebarchive -- Inherit properties
set name to thisRecord_Name -- The name
set aliases to aliases of thisRecord -- Wiki aliases
set comment to comment of thisRecord -- The comment
set creation date to creation date of thisRecord -- The creation date
set custom meta data to custom meta data of thisRecord -- User-defined metadata of a record
end try
set exclude from search to exclude from search of thisRecord -- Exclude record from searching.
set exclude from see also to exclude from see also of thisRecord -- Exclude record from see also.
set exclude from Wiki linking to exclude from Wiki linking of thisRecord -- Exclude record from automatic Wiki linking.
set label to label of thisRecord -- Index of label (0-7)
set locking to locking of thisRecord -- The locking
set rating to rating of thisRecord -- Rating (0-5)
set state to state of thisRecord -- The state/flag
set tags to tags of thisRecord -- The tags
set thumbnail to thumbnail of thisRecord -- The thumbnail
end try
set unread to unread of thisRecord -- The unread flag
end tell
end if
end repeat
hide progress indicator
on error error_message number error_number
hide progress indicator
if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
end try
end tell
on getWebResourceURLKey(thePath)
set theWebarchiveData to current application's NSData's dataWithContentsOfFile:thePath
set theWebarchivePlist to (current application's NSPropertyListSerialization's propertyListWithData:theWebarchiveData options:0 |format|:(current application's NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0) |error|:(missing value))
set theWebResourceURLKey to (theWebarchivePlist's valueForKeyPath:"WebMainResource.WebResourceURL") as string
return theWebResourceURLKey
on error error_message number error_number
if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "Error: Handler \"getWebResourceURLKey\"" message error_message as warning
error number -128
end try
end getWebResourceURLKey