Updating Wikilinks

Is there a way to automatically update Wikinlks when the title of the linked note is changed? I find my wikilinks broken and have to manually find and update them.

If there is I am unaware of it, I convert my Wikilinks to item links (using the contextual menu) to prevent that…

Indeed wikilinks seem very fragile. I wonder if there’s a way to automatically convert them to item links. I use linking extensively and would hate to see that broken!

This is possible through a script.
Check this thread: Script: Convert WikiLinks to Markdown links

Thanks for pointing me to the script. I hope the wikilinks become more robust and integrated in the coming updates.

No, currently this is not possible and has already been discussed before.

I don’t really see how what you want can be achieved efficiently. Given that DT most probably does not keep track of which document references which other document(s) via Wikilinks, it would need to scan all your text files whenever you change the title of one of them and update all the references to them.

I for one would not want that, because I do not use Wikilinks (or other links between my documents). Regardless, whenever I change the title of one of my files, DT would go on a wild goose chase for links to it? Thanks, but no thanks.

What you want might be possible (might!) with a dedicated Wiki. Which DT is not.

Regardless, whenever I change the title of one of my files, DT would go on a wild goose chase for links to it?

Though if anyone could make this work. @cgrunenberg could, this is indeed the potential problem.

I understand it’s not a wiki. But linking is a great way to see content comprehensively. If the team has taken the step to introduce wikilinks, I am sure they must have something planned for the feature.

Edit: read some more on the forum. I guess this is a long standing discussion and I am just another joining the choir :wink:


Obsidian does this, I use it pretty often.

You must index note folders though, which might not be what you want, but I think it’s important to understand that Devonthink core is to be a database, not a note-taking application.

Note: I have a hard time understanding that myself :grimacing:

I have also heard the database pitch. But if the DT team has introduced wikilinks, and they are talking of new editors, then the boundaries are already blurred. I have tried to index Obsidian files in DT, but a few things always end up getting broken. I appreciate though that DT is getting more Obsidian friendly.

But if the DT team has introduced wikilinks

This is no recent addition. DEVONthink has had WikiLinks for well over a decade. And yes, DEVONthink is an information/document management database application that has the ability to create some different file types internally. It is not a mere note-taking or Wiki app.

I appreciate though that DT is getting more Obsidian friendly.

As mentioned in other threads, this is an incidental by-product of our own development.

Whatever you say DT is, I still love it because it helps me preserve what I love :two_hearts:

I’m so glad to see that word “mere” else that sentence would’ve broken mi heart… :wink:

Glad you like it and you avoided a weekend heartbreak :wink:

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One possibility is to add the old title to the aliases.

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Thanks - yes, using that now.