Using with Delicious

I’m currently using the trial of DEVONthink Pro and trying to learn it and integrate it into my workflow. I’m very impressed so far but I need to work out a few things before I am ready to purchase.

So I got all of my Delicious bookmarks into Devonthink and ended up doing a bit of reorganizing with them. Initially, I thought Devonthink would replace Delicious but now I’m realizing there are some things I want easy access to in my regular browser, specifically the more dynamic websites that are regular tools rather than clippings.

Ideally, I’d like to “sync” Devonthink and Delicious, but if I have to manually do this every once in a while, that would be alright.

So I guess my question is what solutions are available for the integration of Devonthink and Delicious? And now that I have my bookmarks organized in Devonthink, how can I import them into Delicious? I’m not sure what file type to use for exporting in DEVONthink. Also, I am aware of the script but it’s not really clear to me how to use it.

I’m not set on using Delicious but I do want access to some bookmarks within Firefox so any solution that gets me there is fine.

In addition, I also wonder if there are any scripts that can take my bookmarks (that are only bookmarks) and go out and capture the page. I’d like to do this with my old bookmarks so I have a local copy in Devonthink.

Sorry about the newb questions and I really appreciate any expertise or advice on get things set up. Thanks!

The script (see Scripts > Import > …) is unidirectional and only importing bookmarks from

See viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8413

The link you provided is not working for me. Can you please post it again? Thanks.

Oops… I’ve fixed the link :wink:

Thanks for the script! It looks like it converts to the web archive but I would like to convert the url to page. How can I change the script to do this?

The “create web document” command doesn’t support this, therefore you have to download the source and create an HTML page on your own. Some examples can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=8557