Visually distinguish inherited tags from input tags

I would love to be able to visually distinguish inherited tags from input tags.
The sooner having often less importance as the later.
Also to understand how un inappropriate tag ends up on a certain item.

The first point would only be possible if you were using group tags, as the icon tag in the token field displays as three stacked rectangles.


Also to understand how un inappropriate tag ends up on a certain item.

It is unclear what you are referring to here.

I do heavy use of group tags, and use almost no ‘simple’ tags.
Yet in the 2-8 group tags that end up on an item, some were entered for the item specifically, some are inherited. Atm there’s no way to SEE which is which.
This would be my need.

That’s what I showed in my screencap.
The first tag is a group tag. The second is a manually added tag.

And you could always color manually added tags in the Tags group for a database.

So not only does the group tag show differently than ordinary tags, it can show in a defined color.


NOTE: You can’t display Tag colors in the Tags group if you’re using Classic for the Label type in Preferences > General.

Great I didn’t know I could color group tags.
Now that I toyed with it, how can I remove a color? I cannot select “clear” in the inspector.

Getting back to distinguishing inherited tag …
Let me reiterate my original question, with an example:
Suppose I have the following classifcation:

  • Mammal (Group Tag)

    • Dog (Group Tag)
      • Yupi.jpg (photo of a dog)
  • Client dogs (Group Tag)

    • Robert (Group Tag)
      • Yupi.jpg (photo of a dog)

How do I know, by looking at the list of tags of the item Yupi.jpg, that this item is primarily tagged / replicated in “Robert” and “Dog”, and that the group tags “Mammal” and “Client dogs” are actually inherited?

Thx again,

Now that I toyed with it, how can I remove a color? I cannot select “clear” in the inspector.

Set the Opacity to 0%.

Suppose I have the following classifcation:

  • Mammal (Group Tag)

It is still unclear what you’re referring to.

A Group Tag is a group that functions as a Tag be unchecking Exclude Groups from Tagging in a database’s properties.

If that is what you are referring to, that is what I’ve shown in my screen captures.


If you are referring to a Tag group, i.e. hierarchical Tags in the Tag groups of a database, there is no distinction between the applied tags. Though again, you could color child Tags, if you wanted to.

Thanks for the coloring tips.

Again, explaining my need (so sorry I seem to not be able to communicate it properly), through an example:

I have this item, classified and replicated as shown in (1) on the picture.
Since I use group tags, the item ends up having the list of tags shown in (2) and (3).
In this list, some group tags are “direct parent group” of the item, others are ancestors.
In tag words: the sooner were manually attached to the item, the later were inherited.
And I wish those inherited-ancestors group tags would be automatically visually distinguished in (2) and (3), so to know which are the consequence of me classifying the item and which are inherited due to my classification structure.
An idea could be to turn them light blue or to have a thicker outline.
Manual coloring won’t help here.

Development would have to assess the feasibility of such a thing, but no - there is no indicator of parent(s) or child(ren) in group Tags.

I might be missing something, but I can’t find an Opacity setting in Colors (DT3.8.2). I only see a brightness setting:

2022-03-08 DEVONthink 3 Resources — fiddle 11.35.05

EDIT: Ah, there’s now a Clear button underneath the little triangle on the right of the word “Color” in the Info panel.

That is correct.