What do I do about “inconsistencies”?

When I verify one of my databases, I am told I have zero missing or orphaned files but 218 “inconsistencies.” What are these, or more to the point, what can I do about them? And please don’t say rebuild the database…

And please don’t say rebuild the database…

That’s the likely approach to resolving it.

Where is this database located?
How often are you doing a Verify & Repair on it?

Try to repair the database first, that’s faster than rebuilding.

Yes, but I’ve no idea how to repair an “inconsistency."

Did you tell it to Repair?

Yup. It would just come back saying “218 inconsistencies” as before.

Anyway, I rebuilt the database, which worked fine — except it screws up the order of every group (if you like them in custom, ie “unsorted” order, as I do). Ah well…

except it screws up the order of every group (if you like them in custom, ie “unsorted” order, as I do).

Development may have some thoughts on the feasibility of preserving the order after a rebuild.

The order should actually be preserved. Did you check that the sorting is still set to unsorted?

Yup. It tends to spit it out in something vaguely like the reverse of whatever “unsorted” order it was in, though not exactly even then.

You’re right, it does indeed not work anymore on AFPS volumes. Beta 4 will fix this.

Excellent, thanks.