What files don't you store in DEVONthink Pro ?

I’m in the process of organising my databases.

So here’s a question for those of you who are more experienced and have worked out a thing or two.

What kind of files don’t you store in DEVONthink (and why not)?

Perhaps we could offer Kudos if not prizes for best answers in various categories!

I don’t store:

  • Anything in /Applications - I can’t think of why I’d want to keep them in DEVONthink
  • Archives (.zip, etc.) - DEVONthink can’t access their content, so there’s no value for me in having them in the database
  • OPML - because DEVONthink explodes them into individual documents for each level, which isn’t useful at all
  • Anything in /System and most things in /Library or ~/Library - too dangerous – DEVONthink doesn’t warn about moves, changes, or deletions; the exception is script or template files
  • Anything that doesn’t relate to my work or private projects - I don’t need DEVONthink to reproduce Spotlight or file system browsers

That’s a great answer, Korm, thanks for the tips -

I’m currently leaving out a number of web assets - things I use in making websites, such as templates, images and snippets. That’s because they are currently all in one place and I know where they are; because many are zipped up - and because I can’t think how DEVONthink would search for them. But perhaps tagged up?

Anything that currently exists in another database.

Specifically for me all my pictures and scanned historical photographs tagging and metadata are stored in a Lightroom catalog.

Genealogical info are stored in Reunion.

PDFs that I plan to read on my iPad are in GoodReader because I like that interface better for reading.

Sheep Inventory is in LibreOffice Files and there no way to conveniently store them in DT although I’d love a way to at least view them on my mobile devices.