What happened to OO support in DTPro 1.2?

The online help in DT says that it supports OmniOutliner for both imports and exports (see File Formats > Outliner Formats). However, I just upgraded to 1.2 and find that I can’t import my OO files, which I thought I used to be able to do. Ominously, the feature list on the website says DT supports only exports to OO, but I didn’t think that was the case.

What’s up?

There’s some support for OO2, but not OO3. Nothing has changed.

The developers are looking at possibilities for extending the number of file types that can be recognized by DT Pro, at least to the extent of capturing text for searching and analysis.

It’s unlikely that OO3 will be recognized before DT Pro version 2.0 appears, and no promise can be made at this time for that feature in DT Pro 2.0.

In the meantime, you can capture a PDF version of your OO3 documents by “printing” them to DT Pro. Select File > Print. When the Print panel appears, click on the PDF button and select “Save to DEVONthink Pro.scpt”. You will be asked to choose the group location for the file, and a PDF version will be saved to your database, allowing you to search and analyze the text content. That takes a few seconds per document.

And of course that technique works for almost any printable file type.